They find traces of an advanced civilization in the Amazon


The Llanos de Moxos, in northern Bolivia, have revealed what until recently seemed unthinkable: the existence of an advanced civilization that flourished in the Amazonian jungle.

By: Gizmodo

The study, published in Nature and disseminated by The Economist, has shown that Casarabe culture developed an infrastructure system that allowed them to prosper in an environment where floods could last up to six months a year.

For decades, scientists thought the region was too inhospitable to house complex settlements. However, archaeologist Umberto Lombardo, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​has led an investigation that dismantles this theory.

Through lidar technology – a laser scan that can reveal hidden structures under vegetation – the researchers identified artificial mounds, roads and interconnected channels. These findings suggest that the Casarabe not only adapted to their surroundings, but also transformed it, applying ecological and agricultural knowledge that defies what was believed about the pre -Columbian Amazon.

You can read the full note in Gizmodo

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