This says the letter that Sheinbaum sent to Google about the change of name to the Gulf of Mexico

President Claudia Sheinbaum explained the content of the letter sent to the Executive Director of Google, L sundar “Gulf of Mexico” by “Gulfo de América”, Due to the relevance of this platform globally, since the content of its maps can influence the international community.
Through the letter, Sheinbaum said, the Government of Mexico states that the denomination of the geographical area known as “Gulfo de México” has a Historical origin widely documentedbeing recognized since the early seventeenth century in various international maps.
The president stressed that this nomenclature has been accepted and used by the international communityincluding the American Union since its independence in 1776.
“The ‘Gulfo de México’ denomination It does not obey an imposition of a government source Unique, as Google suggests, but is a historically accepted and registered name, ”said the president in ‘La Mañanera’ this Thursday.
Sheinbaum remarked that this name, in addition to being used as an ‘international custom’, is found legally registered In the indices of the International Hydrographic Organization (OHI), of which Mexico and the United States are part.

“Besides, This denomination is backed by twelve current bilateral treaties Between both countries, which ensure their recognition in the international legal order and, therefore, their validation in the legal framework of the two nations, ”added the president.
The letter, which was projected during the conference, also refers that the international regime of marine areas was established in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea -in the city of Montego Bay, Jamaica – December 10, 1982which entered into the international level on November 16, 1994 and currently has more than 160 states that are part.
“In the case of oil exploitation or exploitation of some other natural resource, since it can only be done in the territorial or economic part that corresponds to each state, that is defined by international standards,” Sheinbaum concluded on the subject.
He Gulf of Mexico has a total area of approximately 1.5 million square kilometers (km²)of which around the 60% belong to the United States, 33% to Mexico and 7% to Cuba.
Mexico exercises sovereignty about its Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEE) within the Gulfwhich covers approximately 575,000 km², including the Campeche probe, one of the country’s main oil regions. In addition, Mexico’s territorial waters in the Gulf extend to 12 nautical miles from the coast (22.2 kilometers), while the ZEE reaches 200 nautical miles (370.4 kilometers).
Mexico and the United States share an extensive coastline in the Gulf of Mexico, but the coastal length of each country has considerable variation.
He Mexico’s coast in the Gulf of Mexico is approximately 3,294 kmwhich covers the states of Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche and Yucatán.
While the United States coastline in the Gulf of Mexico is approximately 2,626 km, which includes the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida.
(Tagstotranslate) Google (T) Google Maps (T) Gulf of Mexico (T) Claudia Sehinbaum
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