Undering operation dismantled arms trafficking network linked to Aragua’s train in New York

An undercover operation of more than eight months culminated with The arrest of six people and the seizure of 34 firearms, including two ghost weaponsin New York. As reported Associated Press (AP)detainees are part of a weapons traffic network operated by members and associates of the Venezuelan criminal gang Aragua trainknown for its history of violence and illegal activities in the western hemisphere. The investigation, led by the District Prosecutor of Queens, Melinda Katzand the New York Police Department (NYPD)He revealed that the organization sought to expand its reach both nationally and internationally.
According to APthe case focuses on a group of ten people accused of conspire to traffic weapons and drugs In New York, using methods such as parking transactions and the use of garbage bags to hide weapons. Among the detainees is the alleged leader of the operation, Inyerbert White24 years old, who was already in custody for other positions. Two other suspects remain fugitive, while two more were arrested in Texas and Florida. During the operation, a police officer suffered a severe fracture in the arm when one of the defendants tried to escapealthough there have been no charges related to this incident yet.
The investigation began after a series of confessors of arms in the district of Queens, where undercover agents detected a pattern in the sale of illegal weapons linked to criminal networks of Latin America. Through surveillance and intercepted communications, the authorities managed to identify those responsible and document How they operated within the city. According to APthe case is part of a broader effort to dismantle arms trafficking that feeds violence in urban communities and that, in many occasions, has links with foreign organizations.

The Aragua train, originated more than a decade ago in Venezuelahas been linked to a wide range of crimes, including kidnappings, extortion, drug and weapons trafficking, and migrants’ exploitation. According to Associated Pressthe band has taken advantage of the Venezuelan immigration crisis to expand its influence in several Latin American countries and, more recently, in the United States. In New York, authorities have identified at least 67 members of this criminal organization, who have been involved in Organized robberies, mobile phone thefts using motorized scooters and other crimes.
The case of the Aragua train gained notoriety in the United States after the dissemination of a security video that showed a group of armed men breaking into an apartment in Aurora, Colorado. According to APsome of those involved in that incident are also related to the dismantled network in New York. This video generated political controversy, since the president Donald Trump He used it during his campaign to criticize the presence of Venezuelan migrants in the country.

Among the weapons seized during the operation are two Ghost weaponswhich are firearms without serial number and, therefore, difficult to track. One of them was a AR RIFLE ARwhile the other had been modified to firing automatically. As detailed by the prosecutor Katzthese weapons represent a serious danger to public safety. In addition, undercover agents acquired 48 grams of a drug known as “Tusi” either “Pink cocaine”a mixture of cocaine, mdma and ketaminewhich was also part of the illegal activities of the network.
The weapons traffic scheme operated through the messaging application WhatsAppwhere the members of the band coordinated sales and deliveries. According to the report of APsome of the defendants obtained the weapons of other states, including weapons reported as stolen, while others used their own inventory. Transactions were made in public places, such as Parkingand in some cases, the suspects tried to send weapons to Colombia To increase their profits, although these attempts were frustrated by the authorities.

Prosecutor Katz highlighted the importance of this operation to dismantle the attempts of the Aragua train to settle in New York. “As a result of our research, 34 dangerous weapons They are out of the streets, and we are dismantling this band while trying to settle locally, ”he said. However, the case is still under development, and the authorities continue to investigate possible additional ties and related crimes.
For his part, the head of NYPD detectives, Joseph KennyHe pointed out that all defendants entered the United States illegally around 2023. Kenny also mentioned that the police have been monitoring the activities of the Aragua train in the city, including their participation in Organized robberies and other crimes.
On the same day of arrests in New York, the newly confirmed secretary of National security, Kristi Noemannounced the capture of several immigrants sought by criminal charges, including Anderson Zambrano Pacheco26, who allegedly was part of the armed group linked to the incident in Aurora, Colorado. According to APthese actions reflect a coordinated effort between local and federal authorities to combat the Transnational organized crime.

The case of the Aragua train shows the challenges faced by the authorities to combat transnational organized crime, especially when these groups take advantage of migratory crises to expand their scope. The operation in New York not only managed to dismantle a Weapon Traffic Networkbut also sent a clear message about the determination of the authorities to stop the activities of this dangerous organization.
Despite this blow against the band, the authorities have warned that Aragua’s train It is still active in several states and countries. Previous investigations have revealed their presence in Texas, Florida and California, as well as in Colombia, Chili and Peru. Security experts have indicated that the decentralized structure of the group and its adaptation capacity represents a constant challenge for order forces.
The next steps in the investigation include the tracking of possible criminal cells still operating in the region and the identification of more members of the band. Prosecutor Katz and NYPD have reaffirmed their commitment to continue operations to eradicate the presence of the Aragua train in New York and prevent this organization from being consolidated in the country.