What is its spiritual meaning and what energy does it bring?

He December 21, 2024will take place solstice summer (in the southern hemisphere) and winter (in the northern hemisphere). Furthermore, this Saturday will not only welcome new station but it will be the longest day (in the South) and, on the contrary, the longest night of the year (in the North).
Like every year, when the Sun enters some of the Cardinal signs –Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn– marks the beginnings of the seasons through solstices and equinoxes.
What are the solstices? They are those moments of the year in which the Sun comes to your maximum declination north or south with respect to the line of the Earth’s equator.
In particular, the solstices mark the beginning of summer or the winter astronomical, but the date and time change from one year to the next because the Earth’s orbital period is not exact: it takes 365.2425 days to make a complete revolution around the Sun.
This is compensated, consequently, every four years with the leap years.
Twice a year, the Earth experiences the phenomenon of shorter or longer days as the Sun passes through the extreme points to the north and south.

These periods have been subject to celebrations, rituals and folklore for millennia: candles and bonfires are lit, feasts are celebrated and special meals are prepared.
December Solstice 2024: what a solstice represents, according to astrology
It is often the case that the origins of many of the rituals and celebrations They have been lost in the mists of time.
But regardless of culture or civilization, what is continually celebrated, even in our postmodern era, is the heavenly panorama that activates the stations and that has marked the rhythm of life on Earth for millions of years.
Since ancient times, the Cards raised for that moment in order to predict not only the climate (astrometeorology) but also the situation of the people, their rulers, the scarcity (or not) of food, the economy and diseases, among other things.
In this sense, the eclipses that occur every year, as well as the cycles of the other planets.
The Cards established for that exact moment contain, according to the capital of the country for which they are raised, the general trends of the year in question.
December Solstice 2024: what is its spiritual meaning
As we anticipated, the december solstice It is also known as the solstice of summer in the southern hemisphere and the solstice of winter in the northern hemisphere.
He capricorn solstice It occurs when the sun reaches its maximum southern declination of 23°5 degrees and occurs annually between December 20 and 23.
On this date, all places below the equator, in the southern hemispherethey will have the Sun directly at the top of the Tropic of Capricorn. And, thus, they will experience the longest day of the year in terms of hours of daylight.
On the contrary, in the northern hemispherehe december solstice mark the day of the year with the fewest hours of daylight.
The December solstice marks the point at which the light is about to return.
In many cultures, this was seen as the beginning of a new cyclea “new year.”

The need to observe the december solstice and this “return of light” can be seen in megaliths such as Stonehenge, but throughout history, many different schemes have been devised to determine the beginning of the year.
Some of these involved the heliacal rise of certain stars like Sirius, which the ancient Egyptians used as a marker for the beginning of their civil and religious year.
December Solstice 2024: what are the main customs and traditions
The influence of capricorn solstice It has touched many civilizations and cultures over the centuries, and has been recorded in art, literature, mythology and religion.
In the northern hemisphere, it occurs during the coldest season of the year. Although winter is a period of lethargy, darkness and cold, it is also the time when signals the return of the light.
As a result, he has incorporated into himself a sense of hope and faith in the arrival of brighter and warmer days, always reason for celebration.
He return of light It was the main reason to celebrate the fact that the cycle of nature continued and that there was life and light after darkness.
One of the enduring themes of the December solstice celebrations was that of hope.
This theme continues in the modern tradition of christmas celebrationsespecially for Catholicism.
Associating the birth of Jesus Christ with such a significant moment became very important in convincing early Christian converts that the december solstice celebrated the birth of the “true light of the world”.
Associating the birth of Jesus Christ with such a significant moment became very important in convincing early Christian converts that the December solstice celebrated the birth of the “true light of the world”.

He december solstice It is also seen as the reversal of the Sun’s waning presence in the sky, and therefore, the concepts of birth or rebirth of solar gods They were a common theme.
The theme of rebirth has been a pillar of the celebrations in relation to the life-death-rebirth deities.
Furthermore, the concept of new beginnings, such as “preparation” ritual held during the period of the Scottish celebration of Hogmanayis also an important feature.
Preparation is a ritual in which houses are deep cleaned and bills are paid to begin the New Year without “burdens”.
Investment is another theme of this period and was the center of the ancient roman festival of saturnaliawhere slaves and masters reversed roles during the period.
The festival began on December 17 and lasted seven days. It was celebrated in honor of Saturnthe father of the gods. During the celebration, discipline was suspended and the usual order was reversed.
Disputes were forgotten as businesses, courts and schools closed. Wars were interrupted or postponed, and Slaves were cared for by their masters.
They offered gifts in the form of fruit imitation (fertility symbol), dolls (symbol of ancient human sacrifice) and candles (reminiscent of bonfires associated with the return of light).
Furthermore, a fictional kingusually from a group of slaves or criminals, and although he was allowed to behave uninhibitedly during the seven days of the festival, he was usually murdered in the end.
Over time, and in parallel with the decline of Roman civilization, this festival degenerated into a week-long revelry of debauchery and crime.
The Romans also celebrated the solstice with the Sol Invictus party to honor the return of the light.
By Patricia Kesselman, astrologer and professor of astrology and tarot. On Instagram: @horoskopo