what it means for numerology and why it is loaded with transformative energies

He 10/10 energy portalwhich opens every October 10, is an event of great relevance in spirituality and numerology. It’s a day full of transformative energiessince the number 10 symbolizes the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one.

“On 10/10 a powerful portal of great transformation opens and spiritual evolution“There will be a direct fusion between the earthly and etheric world that amplifies our connection with the universe,” he tells Clarion Ezequiel Montiel, reference in spirituality.

“This cosmic moment is a ‘before and after’, a unique opportunity to elevate consciousness and unlock profound processes of internal changes at an individual, emotional, mental, spiritual and collective level,” he warns.

The number 10 symbolizes the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. Photo: Shutterstock illustration.The number 10 symbolizes the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. Photo: Shutterstock illustration.

From the point of view of numerology, the number 10 combines the energies of 1 – associated with leadership, creation and initiation – and 0 – which represents infinite potential and wholeness. This makes it a perfect day to start projects, set intentions and make decisions important. It is an opportunity to close old doors and open to new possibilities, generating an ideal space to manifest desires and connect with a higher level of consciousness.

Ezequiel (@soyezequielmontiel) says: “The number 10 is a numerical vibration that represents the start of a new path (projects, relationships, birth of a child, soul mission, spiritual awakening); You will feel your energy reset, you will experience a deep spiritual rebirth to awaken your multidimensional aspects and access your cosmic wisdom.”

They suggest taking advantage of this day to meditate, do inner connection rituals and visualize goals. Photo: Shutterstock illustration.They suggest taking advantage of this day to meditate, do inner connection rituals and visualize goals. Photo: Shutterstock illustration.

Portal 10/10: how to take advantage of energy

During the portal, the cosmic energies are supposed to be aligned to accelerate the personal and spiritual growthso they suggest taking advantage of this day to meditate, do inner connection rituals and visualize goals.

Montiel warns that we reached this date after a season of eclipses and the new Moon in Libra, which implies that, with the vibrations of this portal, “what you denied comes to light, you will begin to feel an inner revolution, a collapse massive to let go of painful memories, free yourself from what is limiting your evolution and put an end to everything that does not make you happy. Observe these processes not as sufferings, but as pure learnings”.

“Take a moment to meditate, close your eyes, breathe consciously. Visualize a life in abundance, foster love in all your relationships. Express with your heart what you want and remember to express gratitude to the universe.”

The 10/10 portal is an invitation to leave behind what no longer servesboth physically and emotionally, and to open up to new opportunities. Thus, every October 10, the universe reminds us that there is always an open door to new possibilities.

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