6 ways to practice spirituality on a day -to -day basis (which are not religion), according to Francesc Miralles

In a world full of haste, anxiety and bad news, connect with oneself and with the most transcendent dimension of life is a balm.

Beyond the pre -established religions and beliefs, Spiritual practice gives us tools to regain balance and serenity In the middle of chaos. How to develop spirituality?

6 ways to practice spirituality that are not religious

Some forms of spirituality do not have to see by force with sacred writings or beliefs.

1. Practice compassion

From a Buddhist perspective, compassion approaches empathy, although we must not profess Buddhism to put it into practice. The ability to put themselves in the place of the other and feel from your situation what you are living, contributing friendship to procure reliefIt is a spiritual experience.

2. Recognize the mystery of life

Many scientists from the modern era, including those of quantum physics, entered at the end of their lives in a mysticism that was not at odds with science. Einstein dealt in his last years of ethics and the existence of God, while physicist David Bohm came to publish a book of his conversations with Krishnamurti. They also perceived that Our knowledge shore is minimal compared to the mystery ocean that extends to us.

3. Ask questions

The theologian and philosopher Francesc Torralba affirms that “spiritual intelligence empowers the human being for him evaluative analysis of one’s own existence. We can develop it through the questions that emerge naturally from us and that They take us beyond ourselves“. What was before the Big Bang? Who gave the button and why? Who created the Creator? Why have I come to the world, among the billions of possibilities of not being born? Diving in these questions is another via spirituality.

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