6 ways to practice spirituality on a day -to -day basis (which are not religion), according to Francesc Miralles

In a world full of haste, anxiety and bad news, connect with oneself and with the most transcendent dimension of life is a balm.
Beyond the pre -established religions and beliefs, Spiritual practice gives us tools to regain balance and serenity In the middle of chaos. How to develop spirituality?
6 ways to practice spirituality that are not religious
Some forms of spirituality do not have to see by force with sacred writings or beliefs.
1. Practice compassion
From a Buddhist perspective, compassion approaches empathy, although we must not profess Buddhism to put it into practice. The ability to put themselves in the place of the other and feel from your situation what you are living, contributing friendship to procure reliefIt is a spiritual experience.
2. Recognize the mystery of life
Many scientists from the modern era, including those of quantum physics, entered at the end of their lives in a mysticism that was not at odds with science. Einstein dealt in his last years of ethics and the existence of God, while physicist David Bohm came to publish a book of his conversations with Krishnamurti. They also perceived that Our knowledge shore is minimal compared to the mystery ocean that extends to us.
3. Ask questions
The theologian and philosopher Francesc Torralba affirms that “spiritual intelligence empowers the human being for him evaluative analysis of one’s own existence. We can develop it through the questions that emerge naturally from us and that They take us beyond ourselves“. What was before the Big Bang? Who gave the button and why? Who created the Creator? Why have I come to the world, among the billions of possibilities of not being born? Diving in these questions is another via spirituality.
4. immerse yourself in the artistic
In your essay Of the spiritual in artWassily Kandinsky claimed that the mystique of the human being is represented schematically with a triangle: “At the tip of the highest vertex is sometimes a single man. His joyful contemplation is similar to his immeasurable inner sadness. Those who are found closer to him do not understand and outraged him they call him fake or crazy. According to this Russian creator, The artist has access to transcendent realities that escape the rest of humanity. When generating art of any kind, we are at the tip of the triangle, which It gives us a mystical perspective.
5. Meditate on motion
Many times we relate meditation to sit in a pillow in lotus position, but Mindfulness can be taken to all areas of everyday life. When cooking, cleaning, walking, reading or any other activity, we can put all our focus on what we are doing.
6. Practice altruism
Channeling our generosity towards those who need it is an essential part of all religions, and helps us grow spiritually regardless of them. The act of giving is transcendent in itself, because it takes us beyond our own desires. As the psychomago states Alejandro Jodorowsky, “whatever you give, you give it to you. What you don’t give, take it away”.
Some inspiring phrases have the capacity to awaken something that invites us to connect with our soul and sense of spirituality. In this video you will find some:
Why practice spirituality
According to the Nobel Prize in Medicine Elizabeth Blackburn, meditation increases the activity of telomeres by 26%, which directly results in our longevity.
Other studies show that Prayer and other spiritual practices They help reduce stress and decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular disordersamong other benefits.
How to find the way to spirituality?
I met the priest in some conferences Pablo d’Orsauthor of a dozen books. I had read his Biography of silencea small volume on meditation which has been an unexpected supervents.
After giving my talk on a Saturday, on Sunday I attended his curiosity, entitled “We are the light of the world.” From the Conference Palco, I I was waiting for a scholarly presentation. Maybe even read a sheet of leaves.
Happily, None of that happened. Sitting at the auditoriumPablo He explained his search in a casual of light and wisdom.
He used a very beautiful metaphor: For years he had felt that he repeatedly called a door that he didn’t want to open.
Many people feel like this in his spiritual inquiry. Dragged by the noise and violence of the world, They try to find the teacher, discipline or practice to take them to an oasis of serenity. And it is not an easy task.
Pablo d’Ors explained that He unsuccessfully called that closed door, until he realized that it was not the only one door. Each person, every place and situation offered by life gives us access to light. This revelation allowed him to disagree with his spiritual search.
In his own words: “If the door to lighting is everywhere, that means there is no door.” And if there is no door, then we are already enlightened, only we had not realized.
Spirituality as original state
The thought of this Catholic priest Harmonize with the Zen. Bankei Yotakuwho lived four centuries ago, He insisted on his disciples that they were already illuminated.
This Rinzai school teacher explained it to: “I alone I tell people to remain in their original mental state and do not transform it into thought.
I do not intend to do anything special I do not give you concrete rules or practices. Just stay at home and don’t look for anything else. That they feel, stand up, sleep, wake up and do everything in this original mental state without letting it become nothing more. “
Maybe you ask yourself What is that original state, or how can you return to him If it has been hidden from layers and layers of thought, of preconceived ideas.
In his Light biographyPablo d’Ors points out that The center of the search is the question “Who am I?”and warns: “It is not, obviously, a question that admits definitive answers, perhaps any type of answer: It is not a dilemma to solve, but rather a horizon with which we have to live together. Maintaining this alive question is to start answering it. “
Spirituality and religion: a close but not essential relationship
This author uses the Gospel for his inquiry, since it seems to him a text that presents the paradoxes and the greatness of life. However, Is it necessary to follow any book or religion to truly access spirituality?
The Uruguayan writer Mario Benedetti declared: “I do not know if God exists, but if it exists, I know that my doubt will not bother him“
It is a usual mistake to confuse religion with spirituality: You can be agnostic or atheist and be deeply spiritual If you believe in the natural goodness of the human being, in his ability to go beyond himself and to extend his hand to others and the world.
The level of spirituality is also manifested in the way of relating to oneself and the world.
I return to the conference of Pablo D’Ors, this was his conclusion. When you leave yourself alone, accepting you as you are, With your strengths and weaknesses, your successes and errors, you evolve spiritually, Because you have eliminated the enemy inside you that did not let you love you for who you are.
If you reach that state of Noluha in that you do not pretend to be anything else
you are already very close to the light. A upper step, from the previous one, is to leave others alone.
Love and accept others for how they arewithout trying to correct their way, of guiding or changing them, it is a sign of a supreme degree of spirituality.
In fact, the editor David Barba states that The highest teacher does not need to do anything. His single presence already illuminates the disciple.