Priests of the Diocese of Coroico, made their annual retreat: “Priestly spirituality”

Priests of the Diocese of Coroico, made their annual retreat: “Priestly spirituality”
Press CEB 24.01.25 The clergy of the Diocese of Coroic Pablo Ponce.

The closing mass of the retirement was chaired by the bishop of the Diocese of Coroico-Mons. Juan Carlos Huaygua, who accompanied the withdrawal of the Diocese that is made up of 10 parishes and a quasipays, All the priests participated, where their strength renewed to continue pastoral work during the year of Jubileo 2025: “Pilgrims of hope.”

In his homily Mons. Juan Carlos Huaygua, reflected on Psalm 39: “Here I am Lord to do your will.” We must ask ourselves: What interior capabilities should we have to answer like this? Not anyone tells the Lord, renouncing his life and putting it in the hands of God, so that God does what he wants with our life ».

Also Mons. Juan Carlos, refers to prayer: “Prayer is to tell God, help me with this that I want” And continue saying: “Discerning in the spiritual life What God wants for us, it is a daily task and requires a lot of faith, a lot of confidence in God and on the other hand humility and simplicity to accept what God wants, it will always be better than what I wanna”.

The retirement is to meet God in silence, read his word and revive the fire of our faith; Reflect on the meaning of our existence, step back before making important decisions; Explore the key questions of life and better understand the foundations of Christian faith.

Source: Coroic Diocese Communication