November Full Beaver Moon: What It Means Spiritually

The Full Moon of November 2024 is the last supermoon of the year and symbolically it is something deeper than seeing it so close and in all its splendor.

Known as the Beaver Moon, this lunation will take place on November 15 under the fixed earth sign Taurus, predicting a change in what we think is valuable.

Astrologically, full moons are at odds in the zodiac, that is, they occur in the opposite sign to the position of the Sun.

This Friday happens with the Sun in Scorpio, a sign opposite to Taurus.

This symbolism resonates with the image that the Moon offers us in the sky, because while one of its faces is completely illuminated, another is totally dark.

The result of this energetic tension is the ease of bringing to light what is most hidden, seen in another way, releasing what is deeply rooted in each of us.

Taurus energy brings stability and is reluctant to change, so we will fight to leave our comfort zone, explains astrologer Nina Khan in an article for Bustle.

Spiritual Meaning of the Beaver Moon

It is known as Beaver Moon because it is the time when these animals seek refuge from the imminent winter cold.

Although it is still autumn, November is when temperatures begin to drop, mainly in this region of the planet. That is why also This moon is called the Frozen Moon..

Under this precept, the Beaver Moon emphasizes the importance of protecting what matters to us and preparing a refuge, not only physical, but also emotional.

At this time of year it is essential to surround ourselves with those things that give us security, peace and comfort to face the darkness and coldness to come.

Being in Taurus, drives us to connect with the earth and our material needs.

It is a time to focus on our safety and physical well-being, review our possessions and determine what is essential to sustain us in the coming months.

In addition, also remember the importance of staying flexible.

Just as beavers build and adjust their lodges, we We must be willing to adapt to changing circumstances and let go of what does not benefit us.allowing our growth to flow without restrictions.

Astrological Meaning of the Beaver Moon

November’s Beaver Moon will be aligned with Uranus, the planet of innovation and change, and supported by Neptune, the planet of intuition and the spiritual world.

This unique combination infuses lunation with a touch of rebellion and a sharp psychic energy that invites us to broaden our vision and open ourselves to new experiences.

The presence of Uranus next to this full moon prompts us to get out of the routineto experiment with new ideas and break self-imposed barriers.

It is a perfect time to get rid of habits or beliefs that prevent us from growing.

Although Taurus normally seeks stability, Uranus pushes it to explore less secure terrain, making us aware that change may be the key to our evolution.

Neptune’s support increases our ability to connect with our intuitive side.

During this lunation, our emotional and spiritual sensitivity will be amplified, allowing us to perceive things more clearly and understand our true needs.

This is a perfect time to listen to our intuition, trust our instincts and explore the world of dreams.

How to harness the energy of the Beaver Moon in Taurus

With the sun in Scorpio, an introspective water sign, and the moon in the earth sign of Taurus, this full moon features a mix of sensory and emotional energy.

Some practical ways to harness this powerful energy and find stability during the Beaver Moon are:

Eliminate what does not satisfy you: If something you normally enjoy no longer brings you satisfaction, take note; Your body could be sending you important signals about what you need to adjust in your life.

Create a safe and comfortable space– Spend time improving your environment, making sure it is a space that brings you calm and comfort. This can mean anything from reorganizing your home to doing a deep clean to make room for new energy.

Leave room for change and exploration: Although Taurus can be resistant to change, the energy of Uranus reminds you that evolving is vital. Take advantage of this lunation to explore new activities, relationships or ways of thinking that take you out of your comfort zone.

Meditate or reflect on your desires and values: The Full Beaver Moon is ideal for reconnecting with your values ​​and evaluating whether your actions are aligned with them. Reflect on your current goals and desires and ask yourself if they represent your true needs.

Keep reading:
• Last Mercury retrograde of 2024: what day in November does it begin?
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