Portal of the Catholic Church of Malaga

On February 2, Festival of the presentation of the Lord, the consecrated life celebrated its particular jubilee in the cathedral. A community that lives in a special way the jubilee year convened by the Pope is that of Franciscan Clarisas del Cotolengo.

The central celebration of this day took place in the Holy Cathedral Church of Malaga to half past eleven in the morning on Sunday, February 2, chaired by Mr. Bishop. In it the religious and religious present renewed their consecration to the Lord

The delegate for consecrated life, Carmelita José Manuel Fernández Camino And they wait every day in the Lord, being a figure and image of a pilgrimage and sowing loaded with hope ”, as the bishops of the Episcopal Commission for life consecrated in their message for this day point. Therefore, the motto “Pilgrims and sowers of hope” invites the consecrated to rediscover this dimension of their life in the midst of the people of God. This year the day focuses on two virtues of those who live this vocation, two of those seeds that share with the world. The first is the prophetic mission of the consecrated. Surrounded by difficulties, these people share the work of transmitting the message of Jesus Christ, a new hope. The consecrated, faithful to their identity, must be maintained with vigilant attitude to awaken the world. The second seed is new relationships. In a world that can be cold and individualistic, the consecrated remember that each human encounter must be joyful. These relationships are born from the encounter with Jesus Christ and suppose a huge source of hope, since they contribute to the formation of a solidarity and pilgrim community. These relationships have a special value today, where different cultures coexist. In addition, consecrated persons show the world the value of new relations, through their conviction that leaving themselves to join others always generates great goods ».

Three religious of Kerala (India) take care of the great family of the House of the Sacred Heart for seven years. Lizy María, Ana and Teresa (the superior) are nurses entitled and, together with the volunteers and house staff, constitute the soul of this home that the diocese offers those who do not have more resources: people in street or With disabilities, non -housing families, migrants … “Our charisma is to testify to Christ, poor and humble,” they say. «We live a life of poverty, humility, hard work and prayer that emanates from personal love for Christ crucified. Our motto is “through humility, until holiness.”

We see that transparently in all religious communities of the Diocese of Malaga. On this occasion we look at which, for seven years, it constitutes the soul of the house of the Sacred Heart, the Cotolengo de Málaga. The Congregation of the Franciscan Clarisas de Kerala was founded around 1888; And the center has the Gospel with works and words to the poor, sick, elderly and abandoned. At present, it has 26 provinces, 854 houses and there are more than 6,890 religious who wear their habit in Kerala and Misiones. All of them are delivered in apostolic activities such as the care of the most needy, education, religious instruction, missions, care of patients, social service and apostolate through the media.

The three Franciscan religious Kerala that make up the community of the House of the Sacred Heart
The three Franciscan religious Kerala that make up the community of the House of the Sacred Heart

His charisma finds full sense in the neighborhood of El Bulto, where the house of the Sacred Heart, the “Cotolengo”, for 60 years. More than 400 people have gone through this house in the last decade, and their occupation is usually one hundred percent. “In addition to material aid, we offer hope and strengthens faith through our humble service and dedication,” the sisters testify, who are accompanied in their tireless work and householder work, well -man and volunteers, some with more than 50 years of linking.

On January 21, Bishop, Jesús Catalá, presided officially the beginning of the jubilee celebrations in Cotolengo, since the house has been designated “Jubilee temple.” In his homily, the Prelate, which chairs the Casa del Sacred Heart Foundation, said: «Here we are a great family among all: those who have more responsibilities, more direct or more immediate, and those who come to collaborate in a generous and charitable way . And the Lord has given us in this jubilee time, that the house, this chapel, be a jubilee place, where to profit of plenary indulgence throughout the jubilee of 2025. We want it to be a fruitful and joyful jubilee ».

The religious confirm what the bishop expressed: «This is a place of prayer, community and service that strengthens our faith. Here we find mutual support and inspiration necessary to live the gospel in our daily actions ». The sisters invite you to win the jubilee to all the Malaga, whom they already feel part of their own family: «We feel very welcomed in the diocese. The warmth of its people, the closeness of the communities, parish and the great support of the house volunteers have helped us fully integrate into our mission. This atmosphere of fraternity and faith motivates us to continue serving with love and dedication and fills us with gratitude to God for allowing us to be part of this diocese ».

(Tagstotranslate) Diocese of Malaga

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