Meeting of spiritual and religious care teams from hospitals, in San Juan de Dios

Events on the occasion of the hospital’s centenary
Those responsible for the SARE/SAER contribute to providing patients and families “comprehensive assistance, thus understanding both the biological, psychological and social, as well as spiritual aspects”, highlighted in his speech Ines Becerra, responsible for the SAER of the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Santurtzi, organizer and moderator of the event.

Large participation
Yesterday they were present, among others, Bro. José María Bermejo, provincial councilor of the Hospitaller Order San Juan de Dios, Lourdes Casas, coordinator of Spirituality of Territorial Unit III of this institution, the Brother Mariano Bernabé, superior of the Community of Brothers of the Hospital and Vicente Fernández Zurita, managing director of this health center. The diocesan representation was headed by the delegate of Charity and Justice, Manu Moreno, accompanied by the person in charge of Pastoral Health, Laura Etxeberria and by several members of the SARE teams in the hospitals and the Cáritas volunteer team in the Santa Marina hospital.

To the event, which took place under the motto ‘Keys to spiritual care in Saint John of God’, More than fifty people attended, including priests, the representatives of the SARE/SAER, health and non-health professionals, collaborators, volunteers and brothers of the Hospital Order of Saint John of God.
«It has been a unique opportunity to share experiences and knowledge between the teams SARE/SAER of the hospitals of the diocese”, pointed out Ines Becerra. He also highlighted that the meeting was “deep and, at the same time, calm” and that there was time for “formation, prayer and dialogue on spirituality.” A meeting that involved “a great dose of motivation to continue with daily life in hospitals, alongside those who suffer and the most vulnerable.”
“The SARE/SAER “They defend and respect the freedom of the person, in the case of free and free care that, in order to be provided, must be accepted voluntarily and in advance by the interested person,” pointed out Ines Becerra.
Among the activities of the session, a visit was made to the San Juan de Dios Hospital, in several small groups. Prayer then proceeded in the hospital chapel and a brief ‘Space of silence’. Subsequently, the hospital’s assembly hall hosted most of the activities and an open dialogue about the keys to spiritual and religious care in Saint John of God.