A new ‘ghost particle’ could explain the greatest mystery of the universe

In the field of cosmologyone of the most challenging issues is to understand why the universe is dominated by matter instead of antimatter. This question arises from a key problem: the interactions between particles, such as ‘Ghost particle’they usually generate equal amounts of matter and antimatter, which tend to annihilate.
However, the universe we observe today is full of matterwith barely antimatter traces. To explain this imbalance, scientists have formulated the process hypothesis that could break the symmetry between the two in the first moments of the big Bang.
What is the ghost particle that could explain the mystery of the universe?
New research suggests that an unknown particle, nicknamed academics as ‘ghost particle’it could be key in this explanation and also help solve the mystery of dark matter.
The proposed theory It focuses on neutrinossubatomic particles known to interact weakly with matter. Neutrinos have an intriguing property: They can change between different typeswhich suggests that they have a mass, a discovery that has already earned even Nobel Prizes.
According to this study, An even more exotic version of neutrinosknown as right -handed neutrinosI could have played an essential role in the imbalance between matter and antimatter.
During the initial moments of the universe, These neutrinos could have broken the existing symmetrytriggering a chain reaction that led to the dominance of matter.
What is the majorón and dark matter?
In addition to explaining this imbalance, right -handed neutrinos They could have given rise to the formation of a new particle called Majorón. The Majorón is theoretically a Boson of Goldstone, a class of particle that emerges when a fundamental symmetry is broken in physics.
The study proposes that the Majorón would not only be his own antiparticle, but also would have survived since the first moments of the universe as a vestige of those events.
This particle could constitute a significant portion of dark matterthat invisible substance that represents approximately 85% of the mass of the universe, but that does not interact with the light or with the forces of the standard model.
Although the existence of the majorón and the right -handed neutrinos is purely theoretical for the momentthere are experimental initiatives that could help confirm their presence. Facilities such as Super-Kamiokande in Japan and Borexino in Italydesigned to study neutrinos, could detect indications of these particles.
In particular, the Majorón could manifest itself in experiments that investigate double beta disintegration processes without neutrinos, an extremely rare phenomenon. If an event of this type was observed, It would be a forceful evidence of the existence of these particles and their properties.
Beyond the known dimensions
The concept of the Majorón also finds support in physical theories that include additional dimensions. These theories suggest that particles can spread in extra spatial dimensions, which would affect their behavior and could facilitate their detection in experiments.
By allowing these particles to interact with the space-time in unexpected ways, scientists could generate more precise predictions about when and where to look for these ghost particles.
Although the discovery of the Majorón could solve several of the deepest mysteries in the universelike the othey govern the matter and nature of dark matterit is still a challenge to find experimental evidence of its existence.
However, technological advances and the joint efforts of the scientific community promise to get closer and more to this goal.