A printing press caught and found the body of an employee with a shot

A man was found dead a shot in the head inside a printing press that was caught fire in Boedo. The couple of the deceased gave notice to the police for the fire of their workplace and the few minutes attended the firefighters, who found the body. They investigate the facts.
The call occurred at 23.30 and was a woman alerting for a fire on Quintino Bocayuva street at 1400 in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. He had declared that her husband had threatened to commit suicide with a weapon And, given the danger, she decided to flee. In the last hours, It was confirmed that Eduardo Moguilevsky had a cause for sexual abuse against him.
The woman also declared that her children received a farewell message sent by her father in which she told them that she was going to take her life. The fight or the previous family discussion that led to what happened is unknown.
The firefighters entered the place and found the black walls of the fire and the semi -carbonized body. The man was shot in the head and The investigation began to determine whether it was a suicide or a premeditated fire.
It was announced that the woman entered a state of crisis and had to be treated by the SAME.
For its part, the scientific police work in the place to obtain more details. The neighbors of the surrounding houses were evacuated and there is a cut in the streetsbut for the moment there is no danger of collapse.