And if God exists, what?: Best seller on spirituality and science arrives in Mexico

The acclaimed book God. The science, the evidence. The dawn of a revolutionwritten by the French Michel-Yves Bolloré and Olivier Bonnassies, has arrived in Mexico, offering an innovative and profound perspective to the question: “And if God exists, what?”
In a note sent to ACI Prensa, it is explained that the objective of this work was to “provide the reader with the necessary elements” to address the question of what would happen if God existed “from an informed perspective and open new doors to wonder and reflection.” .
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To do this, the authors carried out “exhaustive research carried out for more than three and a half years, with the collaboration of twenty specialists in various fields and supported by scientists.”
Olivier Bonnassies, businessman and theologian with extensive experience in the publishing world, has written numerous books on spirituality topics. Meanwhile, Michel-Yves Bolloré, a computer engineer, founded his own business group in 1990, after heading the industrial branch of the Bolloré group.
The prologue is written by Robert W. Wilson, winner of the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physics, who, together with Arno Penzias, discovered cosmic background radiation in 1964, the true echo of the Big Bang. This discovery demonstrated that the Universe had a beginning.

According to the statement, the authors offer a “rigorous analysis of the new evidence for the existence of God, exploring in a profound and provocative way the intersection between science and spirituality.”
Therefore, in God. The science, the evidence. The dawn of a revolution“facts and evidence are presented that lead to well-founded conclusions and that invite an essential debate about the relationship between science and spirituality.”
With a sale of more than 250,000 copies in France, this book is co-published in Mexico by Siete24 Comunicaciones and Editorial Oceano. It is now available on Amazon and in the main bookstores in the country, such as Sanborns, Gandhi, Porrúa, Gonvill, El Sótano and Fondo de Cultura Económica.