The Spirituality Forum is held this weekend in Logroño with 1,200 attendees

The XIII Spirituality Forum, which will be held on January 25 and 26 in Riojafórum with the title “Resting in what we are”, will feature experts in different fields to “delve into the fullness of the human being from theoretical and experiential.” This edition features the philosopher Luisa López Cabrejas; the public health specialist Pedro Brañas; the ecologist Charo Morán; the physicist and neuroscientist researcher in cognitive neuroscience Gustavo G. Diez; and the psychiatrist and psychotherapist Javier Campayo.
On Saturday morning, Luisa López Cabrejas, philosopher and wisdom approach advisor, will talk about “Creativity or the art of discovering who I am.” Afterwards, the public health doctor, master in bioethics and follower of the Advanta Vedanta tradition, Pedro Brañas Tato, will present “Des-cansar. What is it? What tires us?” The morning will end with the recital “The beauty of being here”, by the Riojan poet Esther Fernández Lorente.
In the afternoon, the animation “Modo Ser ON”, by the personal skills trainer Fernando Tobías, will give way to the interventions of the ecologist, expert in ecosocial training, Charo Morán, with “A new culture for the sustainability of life”, and the physicist and neuroscientist Gustavo G. Diez, who will address “The biology of Being.” The Arnedano youth choir “Cuchuflete”, directed by Álvaro Castillo, will close the day with its performance “Because life enchants us”.
On Sunday morning, Javier García Campayo, former president of the Spanish Society of Psychosomatic Medicine, psychiatrist, psychotherapist and mindfulness specialist, will speak about “The ego and its deconstruction.” Next, the speakers will participate in a round table in which they will delve into this year’s theme.
The Forum will end with the performance of the UPL Creative Clown Laboratory, directed by Begoña G. Hidalgo. One more year, the Spirituality Forum, organized by the Popular University of Logroño and coordinated by the Meditation teacher, Ana María de la Heras, will bring together 1,200 people (full capacity) from different parts of our country, on the 25th and 26th. January in Riojafórum.