Ana Claudia Talancón shares divine experience… and fans respond

The Mexican actress Ana Claudia Talancón surprised her followers with a video in which she shared a spiritual experience that she described as an access to the “field of consciousness where the divine dwells”.
In his Instagram post, he reported that can’t find words to explain what he experienced and encouraged his followers to experience it for themselves.
In the shared clip, Ana Claudia is seen performing deep breathing exercises under the guidance of two women. During the process, goes into a trance and loses consciousnesscollapsing completely.
One of the guides carefully lays her down to ensure her safety as she goes through this state of deep connection.
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“Today I lived an inexplicable experience. I accessed the field of consciousness where the divine that is in me lives. Words fall short to explain it; you have to live it firsthand,” reads the text that accompanies the video.
What is the “field of spiritual consciousness”?
The “field of spiritual consciousness” is a concept that refers to a deep state of perceptionwhere a person connects with their essence, life purpose or what they consider transcendental, such as a higher force, the universe or their inner being. These types of experiences are usually sought through practices such as meditation, conscious breathing or guided ceremonies.
Reactions on social networks
Comments on the post ranged from support, curiosity and skepticism. Some users joked about the cost of these types of sessions:
“No, I already saw how much they charge and my chakras aligned, I healed my childhood wounds and I saw my ancestors just by seeing the price.”
“This wasn’t very Charly Cacahuates of you.”
Other users wondered if this event was part of a new movie, series or project by the actress, while some called for caution with these types of practices:
“Do not let anyone lightly lay hands on you.”
Ana Claudia Talancón’s experience was guided by the Return to Point and Space of Transition and Rebirth collectivesspecialized in spiritual transformation and personal development sessions.
These practices usually include breathing and meditation techniques to achieve states of altered consciousnesspromoting a process of self-knowledge and internal connection.
A moment of introspection
The actress not only shared her experience, but also left open the invitation to your followers to explore these types of experiences. Although some question the validity of these practices, for Ana Claudia they represent a path towards self-discovery and connection with the divine.
The publication has generated conversation and debate about spirituality and alternative practices.