“Spiritual intelligence can help avoid misuse to artificial intelligence”

Sara RobiscoData scientist specialized in ‘Deep Learning’ models (in which a computer is trained to perform tasks as we do human beings), The book ‘History of Artificial Intelligence’ has just been published in Guadalmazán-counters.
QUESTION.- Many affirm that artificial intelligence can mark a before and after in history, as did the printing press, industrial machinery, atomic bomb or internet. To what extent are we facing a revolutionary milestone?
ANSWER.- Artificial intelligence has been changing us for quite some time. It is not something new, but little by little, it is everywhere. In itself, It is a tool that facilitates our day to day and that, in some areas, as in the doctor, saves lives. It is also present in other spaces in which we almost do not realize, as in the automotive, with automatic braking systems. We live with her in a natural way and I think it is for good.
Advantages and dangers
Q.- Like any instrument, it entails advantages and dangers. Among the latter, with images and videos that simulate a reality that does not exist, do we run the risk of being unable to discern what is or not true?
R.- Indeed, A time can come when it is difficult to discern what the truth is. There are things that seem real and are not. In that, the cinema has gone ahead. I think, for example, in the latest Star Wars films, in which it appeared Carrie Fisher playing Princess Leia … when the actress had already died.
In cases like this, we talk about a positive purpose, but The problem comes when this technology falls into bad hands. In fact, it could lead to someone appearing as the author of a crime he has not committed … taking into account that artificial intelligence progresses and is increasingly perfected, the great challenge is the ethical use that he wants to give.
Q.- In an accelerated world, where we are increasing for an artificial entity that hilvane complex texts in just a few seconds?
R.- Unfortunately, this is by unscrupulous means. Illustrators, photographers, journalists are being removed … yes, I am convinced that No artificial intelligence can ever write information as a good journalist does. After all, yours are texts that are a pastiche of concepts and that contain errors, because they leave a machine that does not understand well what it transmits. What in our generation was the ‘Rincon del Vago’, today is a machine. And there he can never be like man.
Q.- Pope Francis claims to the authorities a great global pact that monitor that artificial intelligence is always used in an “ethical and responsible” way. How does the Church question, a Bimilenaria institution, the rapid advance of this phenomenon? Is she preparing for it?
R.- It seems very positive that there is such an informed and updated Pope in these issues. Demonstrates that cares about the future when addressing technologies from an ethical conception.
Q.- In Italy there is an application that tries to make the personality and speech of Father Pio and many faithful can already direct questions through this system. Can you imagine a not so distant future in which an artificial intelligence program elaborates theology treaties or even ‘celebrated’ certain religious celebrations?
R.- None of this is disposable, as these examples demonstrate. However, I think we are in a moment of worship with artificial intelligence, which surprises us and loves. In this sense, It is a very curious experiment that a machine delves into complex phenomena such as theology and spirituality.
But I am convinced that, when this ‘boom’ passes and we have internalized artificial intelligence, Everything will return to a certain naturalness and certain things will stop doing.
Q.- Artificial intelligence must be nourished with human intelligence … But what about spiritual intelligence? Does it bring anything in this phenomenon?
R.- If something marks spirituality and ethics, they are the rules of coexistence that we give ourselves as a society. There, the base is to treat others as we want them to treat us. In this solidarity response, that spiritual intelligence will always help us. Now, the challenge is the one we pointed at the beginning: preventing them from giving misuse to artificial intelligence. Something in which the spiritual approach can help us a lot.
(Tagstotranslate) Artificial Intelligence (T) Pope Francis
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