Antonio Resines reveals the mystery

The fact of charge two pensions It is only possible if these belong to Two different regimes. The surprising thing is that who clarifies this issue in this case, is none other than the well -known Spanish actor Antonio Resineswhich has made statements about it in a well -known podcast.

We talk about the podcast “The pija and the quinqui “, in which Mariang and Carlos Peguer have been able to chat with resins as a special guest of the topic of charging two pensions and others related to the artist’s profession and the conditions that occur in the sector.

The topics discussed in the podcast

The podcast chapter has an entertaining tone, since Resines comments from details of the artist sector to the importance of making complaints of illegal situations or the importance of taking a shower when a game has been played.

Beyond these general issues, there has been a central issue, which goes through analyzing how two pensions can be charged. However, everything begins with the case of Resinesthat currently charges your retirement pension while Keep doing work on their own.

Although some people may be thinking that this situation can be illegal, Resines remembers that It is even possible to charge two pensionsthanks to the artist statute and a regulation within this that was approved in 2023 and that, according to his words, has the objective of “Dignify the professional situation of creative people, artists and other working people from culture

To do this, this measure allows retirement to compatible with artistic activity. It should be noted that the Resines career is not what other people in the sector have, which in many cases are forced to be much of their life or all of it, combining work from other areas with those of artist or those of the field of the field of interpretation.

How to charge two pensions according to Resines

We have seen during the last months that, to alleviate the precarious situation in which many artists are found, the bases that are needed to collect certain aids have been modified and access to unemployment has been made flexible. For this, it is now necessary to have accumulated less quotation days, taking into account that contracts in these sectors in many cases are short.

But beyond this, Resines remembers that “If you listed 15 years as autonomous and many others on behalf of others you have the right to charge two pensions” In the podcast, continue explaining How two pensions can be charged. The actor’s complete statements are the following: “This is almost never said. If you quote for 15 years as a freelancer and others as a worker on their own, you have the right to charge up to two pensions, until you reach a stop. But nobody charges more than 2,300 euros or so

The requirements to collect two pensions

However, as in this type of situation, it is necessary to comply with certain requirements to be able to charge two pensions. These are the general requirements:

  • It is mandatory to be in a high or assimilated situation in each regime when requesting retirement.
  • In case of not being discharged in all regimes, it should be proven that at least 15 years have been trained in the different systems.

If these requirements are given, as Resines comments, it is possible charge two pensions at the same time. The fact that they are from Two regimes and the necessary requirements have been met to receive the pension in both, there is no problem in combining two pensions: that of the work on their own that is achieved through the Social security and the one that has accumulated working on its own and through the RETA (Special regime of self -employed workers).

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