‘Aquinate challenge’, virtual pilgrimage to the heart of Saint Thomas Aquinas

A spiritual itinerary to discover the disciple, theologian and teacher of Christian Humanism
From January 10 and during eight stages, the Dominican Family and all interested parties will be able to participate in the Aquinas Challengea virtual pilgrimage inspired by Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelic Doctor and teacher of Christian Humanism.
This event, organized by the platform International Challengeoffers a tour that invites you to learn about different facets of Aquinas: the disciple, the theologian, the teacher and the pilgrim. The pilgrimage will allow travel virtually to key places in your life like Naples, Paris, Cologne, Orvieto and Romecombining the geographical itinerary with a deep spiritual experience.
Each stage will include videos, stories, reflections, prayers and an interactive form with questions and gamification dynamics that will serve to acquire the “ticket” to the next destination. This format seeks not only to offer historical and theological knowledge of Saint Thomas, but also to promote personal reflection and inner growth.
Registration is free and is now open at www.challengeinternacional.com, where participants can register to join this experience.
The organizing team is made up of members of the Dominican Family and collaborators of Challenge International, a platform recognized for its virtual pilgrimage initiatives that combine spirituality, creativity and technology.
With the Aquinas Challengethe triple jubilee of saint thomas aquinasoffering a unique opportunity to get closer to one of the great references of Christian thought.