Astronomers are following the mystery of accelerated X-rays in black holes with great attention

The supermassive black hole, identified as 1ES1927+654, has demonstrated different behaviors over the yearswhich has kept several astronomers attentive to any changes.
According to the team of scientists, this region of space had been registered as missing from one moment to the next and After its sudden return it has demonstrated unusual characteristics, among which X-ray fluctuations stand out..
However, it is not the first time that the black hole changes its properties, in fact, according to Professor Eileen Meyer of the University of Maryland, through a statement, she mentioned that in 2018, The hole suffered an optical explosion, so some teams have taken on the task of monitoring it since then.
In that sense, a group of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology presented some findings to the American Astronomical Society, in which They highlighted that this region of space would have stopped its activities for at least a year.
But by April 2023, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, noted a steady increase in low-energy X-raysan event that motivated the University of Maryland team to make new observations of its radio.
The first results indicated that the black hole was producing an unusual flarewith flashes that went from appearing every 18 minutes to every seven minutes.
Upon noticing the sudden behavior of the impressive hole, the group of scientists decided to carry out more intensive recordings with the help of the ‘Very Long Baseline Array’ (VLBA).
This network of ten observing stations located throughout the United States, manages to combine signals from individual antennas to create a powerful high-resolution cameracapable of capturing anything in outer space.
Through these radio telescopes, astronomers have been able to show that during the first months of the year 2024, the black hole has launched a jet of ionized gas or plasma.
According to scientists, This spectacular and unusual fact had not been seen until now in black they wonder why only a fraction of these supermassive holes have the capacity to produce these types of anomalies.
For now, the team plans to continue with extensive observation of the space region, in order to understand the extreme physics with which the interior of these spatial regions works.
Scientists reveal the first image of the black hole in the Milky Way | The Time