Between an adjustment of accounts and a possible loose hitman in Cariló

Since February 4, 2001, When the bodies of Isidoro Mariano Losanovscky Perel and his wife Rosa Berta Golodnitsky were found with a shot in the head each in room 32 of Apart Hotel Puerto Hamlet from the exclusive town of Cariló, a money laundering story, encrypted messages and A possible hitman began to lie on a case that marked that summer on the Argentine coast.
It all started on the morning of that summer day, when the person in charge of the complex, Juan Carlos Torresi, flanked by the Bonaerense opened the door of cabin 32 before the repeated calls of the personnel who needed to clean the place. There, lying on the bed were the bodies, with a shot in the head each.
Perel’s deaths and his wife on Clarín’s lid.
The hypotheses, with the still hot bodies, were two: on the one hand, a homicide followed by suicide, with Perel as author. On the other, a murder based on the background and relations of the financier. While this idea always prevailed, in 2021 the prosecutor of Dolores Diego Bensi decided to file the cause and in the resolution he understood that he did not find sufficient evidence to affirm the participation of a third party in the deaths. For this height, it was already very difficult to elucidate what had happened within that cabin, since practically, this prosecutor recognized, it was not investigated more since 2002 and since 2007 the cause had no movement.
In that first moment, although the first hypothesis could be possible, the researchers found several points that led them to privilege another path. The Sony Vaio del Man’s hard drive had been erased, the key to the room was on the lock on the outer side of the door and, above all, the entrance angle of the projectile in the neck of it made it almost impossible That he would have shot.
However, a trade sheet with a printed inscription found under a dish in the place dislodged, in principle, to the investigations. “I am a gringou Collaborator with Citibank. Killed for no paying ransom to citigroup,” he said. That is: “I am a gringo collaborator of the Citibank. Killed for not paying the rescue (coima) of the Citigroup.”
At the scene there was nothing left and the caps found were the same caliber as the victim’s Walther PPK gun. That made the researchers assume that Perel had been killed with that gun. Now, does a hitman trust his victim’s weapon?
Cariló Puerto Hamlet’s apartment. Here Perel’s bodies and his wife were found.
Murky operations
Perel’s past, publicly unknown until that tragic February 4, contributed more confusion than clarity about the fact. The financier had developed a connection between the City of the City and Banks of Uruguay for which dozens of millions of dollars were referred. Hours after the bodies appeared, he had to pay debts but all the money had been spent. He went to the bank to be ahead of funds and only gave him 300 pesos. In addition to black investments and tax evasion, he had carried out espionage and intelligence work. And a false step in this, the researchers estimated, was paid with blood.
Another point that demanded hours of analysis were the data that linked the accountant to the former Menemist official María Julia Alsogaray. The justice that investigated washing and smuggling sought to know how the mechanism of payment of coimas was in the privatization of Entel. In that sense, they faced a research on María Julia’s relations with the Mercury Bank, in charge of doing what Perel called “Justis”, or justifications of evasion maneuvers and money laundering on a large scale.
“The original promissory notes of Alcatel, Entel and María Julia Alsogaray I have them in my New York office.” That phrase is attributed to Perel, months before his death. Therefore, the scenario found in that Cabaña de Cariló was linked to the promissory notes, which became a key clue to think about a mafia crime. But it was just a track, because it could not be ruled out that he had removed his life, after killing his wife, psychologist, cornered by debts. How much were they ascended? Estimates reached almost a million dollars.
Despite having a salary of US $ 10,000, murky businesses and a standard of living above their income (it was said that it came to spend 40,000 pesos/dollars per month), they ended up undermining their surroundings. In fact, a few days ago he had scammed a friend who had given him US $ 300,000 to place them in the financial circuit. And he had even proposed to his boss in Antfactory a fruitful exit, of the company in exchange for US $ 200,000.
However, when steps were taken in the direction of double homicide, there was some false that made back back. In fact, the note that was found on the table that Sunday in the cabin it was learned that it was not only written in the Perel laptop, but also printed on the printer of his office in Buenos Aires, hours before the tragic weekend . The financier erased the file, but the CPU laboratory analysis showed that he wrote and printed the supposed mafia message.
Contrary to what happens with other similar cases, no one claimed for the clarification of marriage deaths or the family withdrew the personal objects they carried when they died. There was talk of a millionaire insurance, but everything was there. His children did not appear as a complainant. And even today, it is not clear what happened between 22 hours on Saturday and 3 in the morning of Sunday, period of time in which the deaths were recorded. The shots could have come from anywhere. (Dib) FD