They find the explanation to one of the greatest and oldest mysteries of nature

A recent study has revealed how cyanobacteria manage to organize themselves into intricate patterns, solving a natural mystery dating back billions of years.
The importance of cyanobacteria in the history of the Earth

Cyanobacteria are microorganisms that date back more than two billion years and were the first life forms to perform photosynthesis. This process transformed the Earth’s atmosphere, generating the oxygen necessary for the development of complex life forms.
Today, these bacteria continue to be essential in the balance of ecosystems, producing much of the oxygen we breathe and serving as the base of the marine food chain. Their ability to adapt to extreme environments, from frozen lakes in Antarctica to warm, stagnant waters, demonstrates their resilience.
What are cyanobacteria biomats?

Cyanobacteria form visible colonies known as “biomants,” which appear as green slime on aquatic surfaces. These structures arise when bacterial filaments intertwine, creating complex patterns that provide stability and protection to colonies.
A biomat the size of an A4 sheet can form in a few hours and contain hundreds of millions of cyanobacteria. These structures adapt to changes in the environment, such as water flow, light or nutrient levels, guaranteeing their survival in adverse conditions.
Key findings from the study
Researchers from Loughborough and Nottingham Trent Universities used advanced microscopy, simulations and theoretical models to understand how bacterial filaments form these biomats. They cultivated a cyanobacteria called Oscillatoria lutea and observed how their filaments interacted and organized themselves in different densities.
The study revealed that the filaments self-organize following a few simple rules, allowing them to go from a random state to intricate patterns over time. Furthermore, it showed that filament density and motility are key factors in the formation of stable patterns.
Implications of the finding

Understanding how cyanobacteria create these biomats not only helps explain their role in today’s ecosystems, but also provides clues about the conditions of the first environments where life evolved.
Furthermore, this knowledge could inspire the development of new materials based on natural principles, taking advantage of the ability of these bacteria to form resilient and adaptive structures. The study of cyanobacteria continues to demonstrate that even the simplest microorganisms hide secrets that can transform our understanding of the world.
Source: Infobae.