End of the mystery: for the Government of Chubut the fire in Epuyén “was intentional”

The Minister of Security and Justice of ChubutHéctor Iturrioz, gave a press conference in which he referred to the fire registered in Epuyén and which caused the destruction of more than 3 thousand hectares of native forest, as well as a hundred homes in the area.
The official spoke about the results of the first expert reports, which demonstrated the alleged use of accelerants that allowed the flames to spread quickly. “Materials were used to make the flames spread quickly, causing the disaster that we all know. It was an obvious act intentional that endangered the lives of thousands of families, many of whom lost their homes due to the actions of a group of criminals,” he stated.

Likewise, Iturrioz assured that “we are not going to stop until we find those responsible and that they end up behind bars” and that in the Chubut town “a planned attack occurred and intentionalwhere the same methodology was used as in Estancia Amancay, endangering the lives of thousands of families, many of whom lost their homes.”
Likewise, the minister maintains that, according to the investigation, “incendiary devices were used to set fires, similar to those that this same group of criminals used to destroy vehicles and machinery at the Amancay ranch. In the case of Epuyén, the flames “They spread through the forests, reaching hundreds of homes.”
“We are not going to rest until Justice falls with all its weight on those responsible for wanting to spread terror in our province. We are going to find them and they will end up in prison,” he insisted.
On the other hand, regarding the current situation in Epuyén, it was learned that the left flank, which includes three sectors, could be contained a few days ago. Likewise, the brigade members redouble their efforts to achieve total control. Additionally, this Thursday, staff will tour the affected area to detect hot spots. Liquidation tasks will be carried out with hand tools and water equipment.
Depending on what is established by the Emergency Committee, the aerial means provided by the National Fire Management Service will remain ready and required. Finally, the bases of Las Golondrinas, Puerto Patriada, Lago Puelo, Esquel and Brigada Sur of the SNMF participate in the operation, and they also have the support of personnel dependent on other institutions.