Donald Trump wants to resume a more aggressive stance towards Venezuela


As reported by a recent Bloomberg article, President-elect Donald Trump’s advisers are crafting a wide-ranging sanctions strategy to facilitate a diplomatic deal between Russia and Ukraine in the coming months while putting pressure on Iran and Venezuela. said people familiar with the matter.
By Ben Bartenstein / Nick Wadhams / Daniel Flatley /
There is a general consensus among his top advisers to return to a maximum pressure strategy against Tehran, starting with a large sanctions package affecting major players in the oil industry, which could arrive as soon as February, the people said. During Trump’s first term, a similar approach significantly reduced Iranian oil exports, although they have increased since President Joe Biden took office.
“The situation is more complex in Venezuela, where Nicolás Maduro was just inaugurated for another term amid widespread evidence of electoral fraud, but American oil companies such as Chevron Corp. also have a presence”says the text.
“Maduro survived the Trump administration’s maximum pressure strategy, even as it curbed the nation’s oil exports, and also overcame an effort by Biden officials to facilitate free and fair elections. Mauricio Claver-Carone, an influential adviser during Trump’s first term, will once again play a prominent role on Latin America, and there is a desire to restore the more aggressive stance he helped lead around 2019, when the United States stopped recognizing Maduro as legitimate president of Venezuela, people involved said”.