Ecuadorian family destroyed in NJ: mother thrown into a garbage dump, father accused of homicide and 4 orphans

From American dream to nightmare: Lucrecia Jadan Sumba, an Ecuadorian who emigrated with her family to the US in 2021, was found dead in a garbage dump in Pennsylvania near her home in New Jersey and her husband Rolando Corte was arrested as a suspect in the crime .
Sumba was reported missing last Thursday after failing to show up for work at the “Princess Nails” nail salon in Elizabeth, NJ, according to a long bilingual description on the fundraising page created to help the family.
The mother of four children -three of them emigrated with her and her husband to the United States- was 39 years old and I was studying to complete high schoolbut was found dead Saturday in a dumpster in Coopersburg, about 80 miles west of Elizabeth. It was not immediately clear why, where and how she was killed. He died for “cutting force injuries”advanced to New York Post a spokesperson for Pennsylvania’s Lehigh County Coroner’s Office.
Her 42-year-old husband, father of her four children, was arrested and charged with murder by the Union County (NJ) Prosecutor’s Office. Despite having been together for 23 years, since they were teenagers, court supposedly “she seemed very disinterested in his whereabouts” when his coworkers panicked because he didn’t show up for work.
“Her children, her family and close friends, along with her boss and co-workers, were very confused and did not understand what was happening,” wrote her son Danny Corte Jadan (18), the fundraiser.
Sumba’s boss joined him in reporting him missing on Thursday, when he didn’t show up for work after a day off. The police then arrived at the house where they interviewed the relatives who lived there and “The family was notified that the house was a crime scene and they were not allowed to stay there until the investigations were completed,” Danny continued.
In addition to Danny, Sumba had two other children in the United States: Leonel, 21, and Eidan, a 5-year-old boy. While Christian (19) still lives in Ecuador, where he and his maternal grandparents, Jadan and Rosario Sumba, hope the body is transferred to a “honorable funeral”, as stated on the fundraising page.
Sumba “She was also known as “La Tia” in her workplace, where not only her co-workers called her that but also her clients when referring to her in a charming way,” said her son.
All charges are mere accusations and those charged are presumed innocent until proven guilty in court.
Domestic violence is constant in New York City and surrounding areas, between relatives, roommates, neighbors and couples, even with minor victims. Every day in NYC, an average of about 747 incidents of domestic violence -including assaults, abuses, verbal abuse- and about 65 homicides annually.
In July, a 22-year-old man was accused of fatally pushing his mother, a Dominican hairdresser, in a park in Upper Manhattan (NYC). In November 2023, a Hispanic man confessed that he had shot and killed his wife and her son in a “fit of jealousy” in their apartment in Brooklyn (NYC).
In February 2024, an Ecuadorian mother was found beaten to death in a hotel in Manhattan. A suspect was later arrested in Arizona and linked to attacks on several women in at least four states of the country.
In October 2023, a Hispanic man fatally shot his Irish girlfriend and then himself inside an apartment in Queens (NYC). In August of that year, Dominican Julio Aponte (65) was convicted in Manhattan Supreme Court after pleading guilty to beating his wife to death at a bus stop. At the time of the brutal homicide he was a traffic officer with the New York Police (NYPD).
In April 2023, Carmelo Mendoza pleaded guilty to fatally stabbing his wife Yaquelín Collado during an argument while the woman’s daughter watched helplessly in their Jackson Heights apartment, Queens (NYC) in 2020.
In February 2023, César Santana was accused of killing his ex-partner Luz Hernández, a Dominican kindergarten teacher in Jersey City (NJ) whose body was found in a shallow grave.
In September 2020, an Uber driver from Quisqueya was stabbed to death by her husband in Queens. The same fatal fate had the same fatal fate in that county in August 2019, also Dominican Carmen Iris Santiago, attacked in the nail salon where she worked by her ex-convict husband, from whom she was separated.
If you are a victim or suspect that someone is being abused, especially if it is a minor or elderly: