Europe/Italy – Sor Roberta Tremarelli in the National Missionary Training and Spirituality Days in Assisi

Europe/Italy – Sor Roberta Tremarelli in the National Missionary Training and Spirituality Days in Assisi

Assisi (FIDES Agency) – Being missionary disciples, from 0 to 99 years, is a continuous process that lasts a lifetime. It is the reflection aimed at all the baptized, from the little ones to the elderly, by Sor Roberta Tremarelli Amss, outgoing general secretary of the pontifical work of missionary childhood, the 22nd edition of the National Days of Missionary Training and Spirituality that is They are celebrating in Assisi until Sunday, September 1.
The cycle of meetings and initiatives organized in Assisi around the topic “at a crossroads. ID and invite! ” Sor Tremarelli intervened Friday morning with a presentation entitled, “the style of action of the missionary disciple”, focused on some aspects that must be typical of the style of the missionary disciple. “Prayer is the first missionary action and, therefore, is what must characterize the daily life of every missionary disciple. The prayer understood as a bridge that unites us with God and others. Testimony is the essential element in our life as missionary disciples. As evangelii nuntiandi states in n. 21, implies presence, participation and solidarity, ”explained Tremarelli.
Contracorriente, sentinel, humble, cheerful are some of the adjectives that could be applied in the style of a missionary disciple.
The missionary disciple lives a “dedication to the kingdom of God, to the Word, to Christ. And, at the same time, to the people, to the community in which they live, to which it belongs as the Son of God, temporary or stable community. ”
The missionary disciple always has a community style even when it is alone. “If we want to be missionary disciples, we must be collaborative people. This does not mean attending endless meetings, join all organizational groups or fill every moment of our agenda, ”sister Tremarelli continued.
To conclude, addressing adults, educators, catechists, Catholic teachers, parents, Sor Roberta, who for 7 years directed the pontifical work of missionary childhood, urged: “We are responsible for wishing the beautiful, good, the right thing, it is Saying, the absolute … The Gospel proposal is the most beautiful, unmatched, the only one that can give joy to children, young people, adults, families, elders, patients. ”
The training days include in the program a round table in which Father Tommaso Nava, priest Fidei Donum in Peru, Mauro Marangoni and Chiara Bolzanella, missionary family of the diocese of Padua, and Sr. Esther Koudoglo, missionary togolesa de las Hermanites will participate of the Holy Family.
For Saturday a connection is scheduled to deepen the theme “Pilgrims of Hope” with three missionary testimonies and the story of the pilgrimage to the land of the martyrs. Finally, on Sunday Father Giuseppe Pizzoli, director of the Missio Foundation, will pronounce the final speech.
(IEG) (FIDES Agency 30/8/2024)