Victoria Ocampo, the spiritual and the paranormal of his profile

This Monday, January 27, 46 years of the death of Victoria Ocampo were completed, who, in addition to a brilliant writer, had a little known spiritual and paranormal side.
Unnecessary present to Victoria Ocampo: The writer, translator, tireless traveler, creator of the magazine and South Editorial, first woman member of the Argentine Academy of Letters, director of the National Fund of the Arts, linked to so many personalities of culture and politics around the world.
However, there is a profile of this remarkable very little known personality. We refer to your interest in spirituality and the topics that we know today with the denomination of “Paranormal. Therefore, we found it convenient – given that Monday January 27 are 46 years after his death– Inquire about it. The results have been – at the same time – surprising and very interesting.
Let’s see.
Let’s start by pointing out that the November 30, 1961 It appears, by Editorial Surthe first edition in Spanish of “On things that are seen in heaven”, The last book written by Carl Gustav Jung. In the flap text, approved by Victoria Ocampo, it reads: “Jung analyzes with scientific rigor the various stories regarding ´unidentified flying objects´, then consider dreams in which images are manifested that evidently correspond to the flying plates’ whose presence has been denounced in the vigil and then examines pictorial compositions linked to the issue. ” Yeah. This Jung’s book is about UFOs.
On the question of extraterrestrial life we find in “Testimonies VIII” (1969) This suggestive phrase: “We will become a place of tourism for other stars (more worthy of survival), whose unpredictable inhabitants will come to contemplate our ruins.”

In the same book we find – in what does its correspondence with Aldous Huxley–References to parapsychological experiential experiences (especially extrasensory phenomena) and spiritual issues.
Our author also had her knowledge in Astrology As it arises from these words referring to the South magazine: “… a common work where my role has been to contribute something from chance, that determination that I owe to the signs of Aries and Capricorn.”
Victoria Ocampo with Rabindranath Tagore
The issues of what popular wisdom calls “Sixth meaning” Nor was he alien to him. In your essay “Tagore in the Barrancas de San Isidro” He explains that he has “a awakening intuition that I receive as an antenna …”
In that same work, we find this other thought that transparent its spiritual convictions: “The moment we perceive that the apparent triviality of the finite is as false as the apparent emptiness of the infinity, we are close to giving by certain that everything on earth It is the word of God. ” And on another occasion he writes: “… God who does not want to cover me with anything and that you do not fear or reproach me the oblivion in which I leave you! God to know that towards you we only go through the paths of freedom! God who understands me who I don’t understand! “
So informed was on the paranormal affairs that, in a letter to the philosopher José Ortega y Gasset (1940)where he refers to the beauties and conveniences of visiting the South Lakes, he adds: “I would not surprise me anything there with a plecoriosau Those water mirrors.
Ocampo had read and studied with fruition the book “An Experiment With Time “ (An experiment over time), published in 1927 by John William Dunne. It is a text dedicated to the parapsychological phenomenon of precognition (true knowledge of a future fact that cannot be known for reasoning, deduction, or logical inference) and the difficulties that address the way in which humans perceive time.
He also knew the ideas about him karmaclarifying that there were three ways: hereditary, karmic and conscious.
He knew the first institution dedicated to the investigation of what, at that time, was known as “Hidden phenomena.” We refer to The Society for Psichical Researchcreated in London at the end of the 19th century. He mentions it in his book “Sundays in Hyde Park” (1936) where he also mentions about the Theosophy, anthroposophy and occultism. The names of Krishnamurti, Rudolf Steiner and Annie Besant They appear there.
One of his biographers, Adolfo de Obietahe expresses: “All this theme of the mind, because, it was not strange, it was his own. Not only was it informed of areas of the dark knowledge or not knowing. He knew, and he had experienced, that there are many worlds inside him and outside him. There is even any reference to spiritualist episodes or parapsychological enigmas, and some ´comunication ‘, although without talking about spiritualism or greater specification. ”
We can agree that spirituality and paranormal were also part of the interests that motivated Victoria Ocampo.
Antonio Las Heras is a doctor in social psychology, parapsychologist, philosopher and writer. “Dare to live in fullness,” is his most recent book. cover
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