From spirituality they celebrate 70 birthday by Piedad Córdoba

The 70th birthday of Piedad Córdoba was held this Saturday, January 25 at the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Romulo Gallegos (Celarg), where a series of commemorative activities of the first year of its planting have taken place.
The agenda organized by the Telelesur and Celarg channel opened space to celebrate the date of the birth of the Colombian fighter from blacks and spirituality, with the participation of Solcire Pérez, researcher and specialist in African studies, and Katherine Araujo, specialist in Tarot systemic.
Pérez stressed that Piedad is inscribed in history as “heiress of that combative spirit of women who were invisible, unfairly treated and unjustly seen, but that in revolution we have dignified and exalted, and that today we celebrate and we will always celebrate.”
He continued his intervention by making an IBBA, honor or greeting that is made to the ancestors that have become divine beings, which accompanied with the sound of a bell of the Yoruba people.
He stressed that these types of rituals are part of the culture and African traditions inherited by our peoples, to which Córdoba defended and included in his struggle.
For its part, Araujo explained that the Tarot is used as a therapeutic tool and as a consultation and guide tool. In this case, he used some Arkanos to characterize or look at the personality of Córdoba.
Among other letters, he defined it with the Empress as a successful, maternal and beautiful woman; the Arkano of the force related to the intelligence with which he faced challenges and adversities; the letter of the trial that speaks of redemption and forgiveness towards itself and towards other people who vilified and pointed out; The letter of justice that prompted her to bring her social struggles from the legality, and the letter of the star that represents hope and the look towards the future.
After these interventions, those present, among which were the children of Córdoba, Natalia and Camilo Castro, their granddaughter Piedad Stefanía Castro and the president of Telesur, Patricia Villegas, sang the birthday to the leader who fought for peace and the Rights of Latin American peoples.
The exhibition “Singing on Piedad” remains open in Celarg until January 31 and this Monday, January 27, starting at 11:00 am, the commemorative activities continue with the conference “Piedad’s gaze on the war in Colombia” . The invitation is to continue enjoying this varied agenda that offers different looks of a great woman: Piedad Córdoba.
The turban was part of the image of Piedad Córdoba as a symbol of its Afro -Colombian culture
(Tagstotranslate) Celarg
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