How it works and what rituals to do

December It is not only the month of Christmas, it is also the month of energy portals. In the last month of the year there are several opportunities to manifest and use the spirituality to decree our desires. In this December season comes the portal 12/12which will connect us with our future through spiritual alignment.

What is the 12/12 portal?

He 12/12 refers to an energy portal. Numbers have a positive connotation in our life; They symbolize the growth of human beings throughout history and their connection with science.

Once a month these portals open, symbolizing a universal opening that connects humans with intense flows of cosmic energy.

Portals of 12/12
The 12/12 portal is a cosmic spiritual event/Photo: Pexels

What does the number 12 mean?

The no.Number twelve represents perfection and complete cycles. According to numerology, this digit symbolizes intuition, will and the union of body, mind and spirit.

In addition, it is composed of 1 (new beginnings) and 2 (cooperation). It is one of the most powerful numbers, as it is present throughout history, such as the 12 months of the year, the 12 apostles of Christ, the 12 zodiac signs and more.

When does the 12/12 energy portal open?

He energy portal opens every December 12. For these portals to activate, you must rrepeating the number twice or more on the date.

In 2024, energy will be concentrated in the number two, and as it is a year governed by the number eight, abundance and wealth will be the main characteristics of this portal.

What does 12/12 mean spiritually?

He 12/12 symbolizes the balance between body, mind and spirit. Your connection with spirituality is stronger than others, so introspection, exploration of our energies and alignment of the chakras is invited.

It is important to differentiate 12/12 from angelic numbers, since this portal is an invitation to take control of our lives.

Meaning of the number 12
The 12 means completion and preparation / Photo: Pexels

How to manifest 12/12?

To demonstrate during the December portal it is necessary to take advantage ofthe energy of the number twelve and use it with intention. It is a time to close cycles using tools such as meditation, visualization, affirmations, gratitude and connection rituals.

Rituals for the portal 12/12

Manifestation ritual

Following the energy of the number twelve, this ritual will be focused on twelve wishes:

On a sheet of paper, write down the 12 situations or things you want to leave behind so that they do not accompany you in the new year. On a second sheet, write twelve things you are grateful for.

On the third page, write twelve things you want to manifest as if you already had them. Speak in the present tense while thinking about the future (be very specific).

You should burn the first leaf, while you will save the other two throughout the year.

Ritual to attract money

You will need honey (or sugar) and twelve grains of rice. Put a little honey in your left hand (you can use sugar if you don’t have honey) and add twelve grains of rice, representing the months of the year. As you place each grain, repeat the mantra: ‘I am infinite abundance.’ Rub your hands together while visualizing your desires. Wash your hands repeating: ‘Money is rice’.

How to manifest
Meditating in the 12/12 portal amplifies our intentions/Photo:Pexels

Now you have everything you need to take advantage of the energy of 12/12. Don’t hesitate to follow any of the rituals or meditate to clear your mind. You will have more surprises than you imagine.

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