January 29, 2025 – Gospel of the Day – P. Pedro Brassesco

Read the podcast of January 29, 2025
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In the Gospel of this Wednesday we heard that Jesus began to teach again on the sea a great crowd met with him so that he had to climb a boat inside the sea and sit on it in the meantime the crowd was on the shore He taught them many things through parables and this was what they taught them listened It had a lot of land and sprouted immediately because the Earth was shallow but when the sun came out it burned and due to lack of root it dried up another fell between the mines thorns they grew the suffocar and did not result They were growing and developing and the thirty and the sixties were already one hundred and one Jesus told you, the mystery of the Kingdom of God has been entrusted instead for those of outside everything is parabola so that you look and do not see hear and do not understand not that they convert and reach forgiveness Jesus told them do not understand This parable how all the others will understand the sowing sows the word those who are on the edge of the road are those in whom the word is sown but they listen to it comes Satan and takes the seed sown in them equally those who receive the seed on the ground on the ground Rocky are those who listen to the word immediately welcome with Alex wanted but have no roots but are inconstant and as soon as the tribulation or persecution ensues because of the word immediately succumb there are others that receive the seed between thorns are the ones that are the ones that They have listened to the word but the concerns of the world The seduction of wealth and other desires penetrate them and drown the word and this is unsuccessful and those who receive the seed in land good are those who listen to the word accept and bear fruit At thirty to sixties and one hundred and one Jesus begins to teach and does so with parables a great crowd he listens to it then he has to explain it to his disciples to better understand their meaning like this in this scene we see how the Lord is describing his own mission and Ministry to sow the word in all so much in the crowd that approaches to listen to it as among its disciples that are part of their community Jesus does not select their listeners because the fruits depend not on the seed but on the personal availability to receive it and give it the conditions necessary for him to germinate and grow today as Church we are collaborators of the Lord in this mission to sow never stop spreading the seed even if you do not know how it will be received and if there were fruits and remember that the Lord continues to sow in you meditates what you hear and if not You understand ask the Lord to enlighten you to understand his will leads to your life what you receive and you will see the fruits that God will produce in you do not distract you do not discourage you, courage mérida
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