ICE could make arrests in Florida schools: what does it mean for immigrant students

Immigrant communities have expressed concern because the United States government eliminated the restrictions that prevented customs immigration and control agents (ICE) from making arrests within Schools and other protected areas. The measure, announced by the National Security Department (DHS)allows immigration authorities to act within school campuses. Federal authorities argue that this action will allow people with criminal records who previously hid in spaces considered “Sensitive”.
The elimination of these restrictions responds to a turn in US migratory policy. A spokesman for DHSin statements collected by WFLAhe said that this decision seeks to strengthen national security. “Criminals can no longer hide in schools and churches to avoid arrests. The Trump administration will not tie the hands of the forces of order and trust its common sense ”the official declared. The measure repeals a regulation established in the era Biden that prevented agents from ICE Make arrests in schools, hospitals and places of worshipexcept in exceptional circumstances.
The governor Ron desantis He has also expressed his backing support and warned that there will be consequences for those who do not comply with it. According to Use Todaythe state president convened a Special Legislative Session to ensure that the State complies with the new migratory guidelines. “President Trump has a mandate, and Florida will be with him in every step of the road”he said Desantis. In addition, he announced sanctions to local officials who refuse to collaborate with migratory arrests.
In Floridaschool districts have begun to evaluate how to respond to this new federal guideline. According to Use Todaythe Pinellas County School Board is reviewing the regulations, while the authorities of Sarasota They indicated that they still do not have an official update. In the county of Polka spokesman confirmed that they will comply with state and federal laws on immigration matters.
In the area of Orlandohe Orange School District He sent a memorandum to his staff remembering that they must comply with any request for interviews or arrests by ICE. In addition, the document specifies that if an agent requests Do not inform parents From the arrest of a student, the school must comply with that order or could face charges for justice obstructionaccording to WFLA.

The county of Palm Beachwhere a large immigrant population is concentrated, has shown resistance to the implementation of the measure. According to Use Todaythe school district has emphasized that its policies do not prohibit the forces of the order to interview students without the Parent consentbut establishes Barriers For this to happen. An adult can only withdraw a class student if it is their emergency contact or an officer with a court order. In addition, county schools do not register the immigration status of students, which makes it difficult to ICE Make massive arrests within educational schools.
Given this situation, Immigrant defending organizations They have issued recommendations for those who can be affected. He National Immigrant Resources Center suggests:
- Gather documents That they prove their residence in the United States, such as Birth Certificates, tax declarations and school records.
- Establish emergency contacts and make sure family members know their situation.
- Inform schools about who should pick up children in case of detention of parents.
- Use digital toolslike him ICE detainees locatorto track detained people.