January 25, 2025 – Gospel of the Day – P. Pedro Brassesco

Read the podcast of January 25, 2025
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Today, January twenty -five, we celebrate the feast of the conversion of St. Paul, so we hear in the gospel that Jesus told them go all over the world announce the good news to all creation who creates and boutice will be saved the one who does not believe will be condemned And these wonders will accompany those who believe they will throw demons in my name and speak new languages can take the snakes in their hands and if they drink a mortal poison they will not do any damage will impose their hands on the sick and heal them the conversion of the conversion of Saint Paul is narrated three times in the New Testament but in today’s Gospel the liturgy proposes this text of Jesus’ missionary shipment before his ascension to heaven to preach the gospel to all men to raise faith to transmit salvation through baptism I have Here the mission of the apostles after the resurrection is also the mission of the Church and that of each one of us as members of the body of Christ to be apostles in this time and in the places to which the Lord sends us in truth that In our lives we have abandoned Christ many times or perhaps prevent a non -believer culture even contrary to the Faith Saint Paul persecuted the apostles and wanted persecutor to a precursor of the good New and in a passionate apostle of this Christ to whom he pursued the conversion he infused a faith in Saul that makes him a tireless missionary turns on in his soul an ardor of charity that forces him to convey to others the truth who has found gives him the strength to do as much and work a fervent the testimony of the gospel, now what differentiates us from St. Paul we have the same faith the same charity the same doctrine God himself but we lack his passionate love Christ who led him to consider everything as garbage compared to Christ today is a day of conversion, let’s no longer become those resurrected apostles and ask for that faith and that love to make us also make us light and fire in the midst of darkness From the world on the way to Damascus that lightning fell on me and since then my life forever my life here I could clearly hear a voice that told me that tell me why you chase me if for you yes yes yes today grandson monk I will go to us together This Prayer Lord infuses in my heart the passion for the truth of the Gospel so that as St. Paul can announce to you in time and wrong Amen and that the blessing of God almighty of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit always accompanies them rain Christ Christ
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