January 26, 2025 – Gospel of the day – Fr. Pedro Brassesco

Read the podcast from January 26, 2025
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In this Sunday’s gospel we hear many have tried to relate in an orderly manner the events that took place among us as they were transmitted to us by those who have been from the beginning eyewitnesses, servants of the word, so after carefully informing me of everything from the origins I have also decided to write for you, most excellent Theophilus, an organized account so that you know well the solidity of the teachings spears that you have received. Jesus returned to Galilee with the power of the spirit and his fame spread throughout the region. He taught in the synagogues and everyone praised him. Jesus went to Nazareth where he had grown up. On Saturday he entered the synagogue as usual and stood up to read. They presented him with the book of the prophet Isaiah and opening it he found the passage where the Spirit of the Lord was written. upon me because he has consecrated me by anointing, he sent me to bring the good news to the poor, to announce liberation to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed and to proclaim a year of grace. of the Lord Jesus he closed the book he returned it to the assistant and sat down everyone in the synagogue had their eyes fixed on him then he began to tell them today this passage of scripture that you have just heard has been fulfilled today we celebrate the Sunday of the word of God instituted by Pope Francis in two thousand and nineteen at the beginning of the Gospel of Luke that will accompany us on Sundays this year, the author explains the purpose of his story and locates the beginning of the public ministry of Jesus in the synagogue of Nazareth Luke says that he wants to make an orderly account of the events that were transmitted by those who have been from the beginning eyewitnesses and servants of the word, thus identifying the apostles who were effectively eyewitnesses but also calling them servants of the word of this In this way we see how from the beginning there was a clear awareness that Jesus was the word made flesh, the word of God sent to save us. This is ratified when Jesus himself in the synagogue of Nazareth identifies himself with the text of Isaiah that he has just proclaimed. He is the one sent to bring the good news he is the fulfillment of the word of God given to the apostles today we are also invited to be servants of the Lord servants of the word we do it by announcing it to others but first of all letting that word May the guide of our steps be the light of our walk May the word come to life in us and others be able to recognize that what we are and what we do is founded on that word The word its headquarters I listen to its voice Let it transform your life let us pray this prayer together Lord make me a servant of your word, living it faithfully and announcing it with joy, and may the blessing of almighty god of the father of the son and of the holy spirit always accompany you, the word that I hate.