Juan Antonio Reig Pla will give a spiritual retreat at Chesterton School

Chesterton School is pleased to announce the Spiritual Retreat “Uniting Heaven and Earth”which will take place on February 15, Saturday, under the direction of Mons. Juan Antonio Reig Pla. The retreat will take place at the school facilities, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Under the inspiring title of “Uniting heaven and earth”, this spiritual retreat offers participants the opportunity to enter a day of reflection, prayer and encounter with the transcendent. The subtitle of the retreat, “the exerciser is a seeker of God,” invites us to delve deeper into the spiritual search and union with the divine.
“Mons. Reig Plà, recognized for his profound spirituality and his ability to connect the earthly with the heavenly, He will guide this retreat with his extensive experience and wisdom. His meditations, imbued with a sincere and deep spirituality, reflect his commitment to the search for truth, goodness and beauty in everyday life,” they point out from the school.
Through his publications and from the exercise of his ministry, he always invites us to contemplate the presence of the divine in the ordinary, to find God in the simple details of existence and to nourish our relationship with the transcendent through prayer. and meditation. His focus on the importance of interiority and connection to the sacred has inspired numerous people to deepen their spiritual lives and seek union with God every step of the way.
To register for this enriching spiritual retreat: 3 conferences, Adoration, Holy Mass and Holy Rosary (with breakfast and lunch included) Those interested can send an email to the address: events@
“The Spiritual Retreat “Uniting Heaven and Earth” promises to be a day of inner growth, reflection and encounter with the transcendent, guided by the wisdom and spirituality of Mons. Reig Pla.”