Kristi Noem promises a tough hand on the immigration issue: she is in favor of reestablishing the “Stay in Mexico” program

The governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noemappointed by the president-elect donald trump as the next secretary of the Department of Homeland Securitydefended strict immigration policies during his confirmation hearing in the Senate of the United States. Noem described the situation on the country’s southern border as a “war zone” and expressed her determination to once again implement the “Stay in Mexico”. According to cnnHe noted: “The president and I have spoken at length about this and we are going to partner 100% to reinstate the program to remain in Mexico.”
During the hearing, Naomi He strongly criticized the immigration policies of the current administration of Joe Bidencommitting to eliminate programs that, in his opinion, have encouraged the entry of migrants into the country. Reuters highlighted that he specifically pointed out the digital tool used by the Biden administration, known as CBP Onestating firmly: “If I am confirmed and have the opportunity to be secretary, on the first day CBP One will be closed”. In addition, he mentioned that he will review other programs based on the use of temporary permits that have allowed the legal entry of certain categories of migrants.
cnn He recalled that Noem had already sent troops from the National guard from his state to the border with Mexico on three occasions, justifying these actions as a response to what he described as an “invasion.” During the Senate hearing, he reaffirmed this position, stating: “It’s a war zone down there.” and maintained that the irregular immigration has led to an increase in criminal activity both in South Dakota and the rest of the country.
Despite these statements, various studies contradict this perception, since they suggest that immigrants tend to commit crimes at lower rates than citizens born in the United States. However, Trump’s proposed immigration policies include, among other measures, mass deportations, which has caused concern in key sectors of the economy. Reuters reported how the senator Ruben Gallegorepresentative of the state of Arizonawarned about the impact these measures could have on agriculture, indicating that farmers in his state are concerned about the possibility of a labor crisis. In this regard, he questioned: “What is your plan to guarantee safe and legal immigration processes for agricultural workers?” However, Noem did not offer specific guarantees for this sector, limiting herself to saying that the focus will be on “criminals and people with final deportation orders.”

On the other hand, Noem criticized the management of cybersecurity under the Biden administration, specifically the role of the Cybersecurity and Security Infrastructure Agency, accusing it of diverting resources towards combating disinformation instead of focusing on critical infrastructure. According to statements collected by Reutersexpressed: “They are using their resources in ways that were never anticipated”.
The fight against fentanyl smuggling was another priority highlighted by Noem, pledging to review trade laws that allow certain lower-value shipments to enter the country with less scrutiny. As for administrative challenges, Noem will also face pressure to balance views within the Republican Party, as some conservative sectors have called for limiting legal immigration, something that could create divisions among Trump’s allies.
Finally, cnn recalled that this confirmation occurs at the same time that the Biden administration leaves a border significantly less active in terms of irregular crossings, registering 47,300 migratory encounters in December, the lowest figure since mid-2020. Despite this, Trump and his team emphasize the need for drastic measures to avoid a rebound.
Kristi Noem, if confirmed, will assume control of a department that is not only responsible for guarding the borders, but also key areas such as emergency response, cybersecurity and the management of bodies such as the Coast Guard and the United States Secret Service. Joined. As indicated Theresa Cardinal Brownan immigration policy expert at the Bipartisan Policy Center, to the same medium: “It just means they will have a bigger and faster learning curve.”