LAUDS and morning prayer for FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2025 – MORNING PRAYER AND LAUDS

Read the LAUDES podcast and the morning prayer for FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2025
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Good morning friends, everyone, today is Friday of the second week of ordinary time, we are going to pray our morning prayer, Lauds, to glorify the Holy Trinity, united with the entire church that also prays this same prayer in the morning. Let us begin by saying, Lord, open my lips. and my mouth will proclaim your praise the lord is good bless his name the lord is good bless his name hail the lord whole earth serve the lord with joy enter his presence treat the lord is good Bless his name, know that the Lord is God, he made us and we are his, his people and the sheep of his flock, the Lord is good, bless his name, enter his gates with thanksgiving, through his courts with hymns, give thanks and bless his name. The Lord is good, bless his name, the Lord is good, his mercy is eternal, his faithfulness to all cities, the Lord is good, bless his name, glory to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit as it was in the beginning, now and forever for the centuries of centuries amen the Lord is good bless his name hymn for the believing pain that springs from sin for having loved you with all my heart for having denied you so many times my God so many times I ask on my knees forgiveness for having lost you for having found you because it is like a snowy desert my prayer because it is like ivy on a cut tree the memory that springs up full of hope because it is like ivy let me embrace you first bitterly full of flower then and my old trunk little by little connects me and my old shadow it spills from your feet because it is like the branch where the sap is born my heart my god dreams that it is for me first antiphon a broken and humiliated heart you do not despise it lord psalm fifty mercy my god for your goodness for your immense compassion erase my guilt wash away my crime completely cleanse my sin because I recognize my guilt I always keep in mind my sin against you against you alone I sinned I committed the evil that you hate in the sentence you will be right the judgment you will be found innocent look in the guilt I was born a sinner my mother conceived me I have a sincere heart of mystery instills in me wisdom Rosie with the hyssop I will be clean wash me I will be whiter than snow make me hear joy and happiness let the broken bones rejoice turn away from my sin your sight erases all in me guilt oh god create in me a pure heart renew within with a firm spirit do not cast me away from your face do not take away your holy spirit give me back the joy of your salvation strengthen with spirit generous I will teach the wicked your ways sinners will return to you deliver me from the blood oh god my savior and my tongue will sing your justice lord you will open my lips and my mouth will proclaim your praise the sacrifices nate easy if they offered you a holocaust you would not want it my sacrifice