Read the LAUDES podcast and the morning prayer for WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2025
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Good morning friends, we are all going to do our Lauds prayer on this Wednesday of the second week of ordinary time, both Peter built on our God on this day that we remember the day with Saint Vincent and we begin by saying, Lord, open my lips to me and my mouth will proclaim your praise. Acclaim to the Lord, whole earth, serve the Lord with joy, Cry to the Lord, entire earth, serve the Lord with joy, enter his presence with cheers, Hail to the Lord, whole earth, serve the Lord with joy, know that the Lord He is God, he made us and we are his, his people and the sheep of his flock, hail the Lord, the whole earth, serve the Lord with joy, enter through his gates with thanksgiving, through his courts with hymns, giving thanks to him and blessing his name, hail the Lord, the whole earth, serve. To the Lord with joy The Lord is good His mercy is eternal faithfulness for all ages Hail the Lord Whole earth Serve the Lord with joy Glory to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning now and forever forever the centuries amen hail the lord whole earth serve the lord with joy be with me always lord without ever leaving you and when you decide to leave take me lord with you because the thought that you will leave causes me a terrible fear I decided in you I have to say you hm you are leaving take me in your company wherever you go Jesus because I know well that you are the life of my soul if you do not give your life to me I know that I cannot live even if I have left nor if you without me you leave for that reason more than I fear death, Lord, your departure is to lose my life a thousand times more than to lose your immortality. You doubt that I cannot reach it when I am left without you when you are my age. Amen, first antiphon, smell, your ways are holy, that God is as great as our god. psalm seventy-six fmy voice goodbye shouting I lift my voice to God so that he may hear me in my anguish I seek you my Lord at night I extend my hands without rest and my soul refuses consolation when I remember God I moan and while meditating I feel faint holding the eyelids of my eyes and with agitation the passage of the days allows me to speak ancient memories the remote years night I think about it inwardly while meditating I wonder if the Lord does not reject forever and will no longer favor us His mercy has already been exhausted, his promise has ended forever. God has forgotten his goodness or anger closes his bowels and I tell myself what a shame mine has changed the right hand of the most high I remember the exploits of the sir yes I remember