MH370 flight and the man’s theory that wanted to see through the window


There were ten months and 21 days since the Malaysia Airlanes aircraft, a Boeing 777, considered one of the safest planes in the world, disappeared without leaving traces with 239 people on board somewhere in the journey between Kuala Lumpur, in Malaysia, and Beijing, China, when forced by legal pressures and urgencies, the Department of Civil Aviation of Malaysia announced the statement. “We officially declared that Malaysia Airlines MH370 was an accident and that It is presumed that the 239 passengers and crew on board lost their lives”, Said the text signed by its director, Azharuddin Abdul Rahman.
The almanac marked on Thursday, January 29, 2015 and there were already a chance of postponing the opinion that, according to international civil aviation regulations, was essential for the relatives of the victims to collect compensation. It was also a way to close, at least officially, the investigation of One of the greatest mysteries in the history of commercial aviation. Because, in reality, no one could say with certainty that the disappearance of the Malay Boeing, occurred on March 8 of the previous year, was “an accident.” There was no evidence to confirm it, but not certain data that would demonstrate otherwise. The fate of the MH370 flight, its 222 passengers and its 17 crew, remained an unsolved enigma.
-Malasia 370 Contact Ho Chi Minh 120, good night -were the last words of the aircraft commander, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, recorded in the recording of Vietnamese air control.
-Good nights, Malaysia 370 -had answered the controller.
From that moment on, everything was silence. According to the records, the last contact of the plane with Earth had occurred exactly at 1:20 in the morning of March 8, 2014 in the time spindle corresponding to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. More than eleven years after those last words and when ten are fulfilled since the Aviation Malaya authorities announced the statement, the truth about what happened with the MH370 flight is far from getting to know. Instead, There are plenty of contradictory hypotheses, failed searchesa series of partial findings that reveal anything, suspicions about remains of the plane deliberately planted in different places, a suicide theory, another of aerial terrorism and even a version that ensures that the plane was kidnapped and disappeared by aliens. The black boxes of the commercial aircraft, capable of revealing the mystery, never appeared.
It was a short flight, of just over five hours. The Boeing 777-200er, model 2H6er, from Malaysia Airlines took off at the time, at 00:41 in the morning of March 8, of Kuala Lumpur International Airport. The flight – designed with the MH370 code of the Malaysian airline and with the CZ748 by China Southern Airlines – was destined for Beijing International Airport. It was a routine route – that journey, round trip, it was carried out more than once a day- in One of the most reliable passenger aircraft in the world.
Until that day, Boeing 777 had one of the best aviation security records. Since its first flight, in June 1995, only two serious incidents starring that model were recorded. In January 2008, 47 passengers were injured when ice crystals in the fuel 38 of British Airways made him lose power and land emergency at London-Heathrow airport. In July 2013, three passengers died and 181 were injured when an error of the pilot caused the forced landing of Asian Airlines flight in the final approach to the San Francisco International Airport. The majority of aviation experts agreed that Boeing’s 777 was An almost perfect safety plane.
At the time of the last contact of Commander Zaharie Ahmad Shah with the air control of the Ho Chi Minh International Airport, at 1.20 in the morning, the plane appeared on the radar casting on the China Sea, a few kilometers from the border with Malaysia . Minutes later his signal disappeared from the screens. At 2.40, Vietnamese controllers warned Malaysia Airlines that the plane was missing. The MH370 flight did not issue any relief signal, or reports of bad weather or technical problems and when it was communicated for the last time It had fuel for almost eight flight hoursmore than enough to reach your destination. After flying over Vietnam, the Boeing had to enter the Air Spaces of Thailand and China. There are no records that you have done it.
Once the alarm has been given, the search operations began almost immediately, first with Chinese and Malaysian aircraft and ships; In the following days a dozen countries would provide resources to find it. No one found it: Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 had vanished without leaving a trace.
In the absence of traces, speculation left over. To learn about the causes of a plane crash, many tests are necessary: black boxes, communications to the plane, analysis of the traces of the accident, airport safety records, satellite images, among many others. In the case of the MH370 flight there was almost nothing. The investigations – because it was not only one, but several – advanced with what they had and soon some data appeared, sometimes just indications, which allowed to elaborate some quite uncertain hypotheses.
The researchers focused on the list of passengers to the possibility of being an attack. The thorough review of the registration, checking its identities beyond the documentation that each one had submitted by embarking, threw a first suspicious fact: Two of them had used passports that were false. One belonged to an Austrian citizen and another to an Italian who had long reported robberies in their countries of origin. The two people who embarked with those passports – whose identities are still a mystery – had bought plane tickets at the same agency and at the same time, one more reason to suspect them.
What did not close was that his background were by theft and A thief is not the same thing as a terrorist. In the case that one or the two subjects were someone willing to perform a suicidal attack, three possibilities were opened: that the plane would have exploded with an explosive artifact that was not discovered by the safety of the Kuala Lumpur airport, which from the same interior of the plane would have hacked flight computers to make it fall, or that they had tried to take the plane to perpetrate an attack similar to that of the Twin Towers against an unknown objective. It was not impossible, but at least two of the three cases, the pilot or the co -pilot would have had time to warn the controllers on land and had not done so.
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