Mystery and a viewpoint in the abandoned town

Abandoned buildings almost always retain a disturbing, mysterious atmosphere, as if vestiges of dead times that did not want to leave at all. Moreover, if those ruins were inhabited by normal people, that is, if life ran out in their … Ordinary channels. He has a I do not know what to pass his hand through tiles with old designs that at some point protected the intimacy of the people and now they are already broken. If the environment is also imposing, then much better.
The town of A Paicega is in the Asturian municipality of Weight, a little beyond the fifth pine, in the southwight remote of the Principality, which clearly implies an additional attraction. The site crowns a mountain that dominates the Navia Valley, with its green slopes collapsing gently towards the elongated Grandas de Salime reservoir. He has put a little fashion in recent times due to the spectacular landscape and because very conducive photos are taken to give the tabarra on Instagram. But now, out of season, it is easy for him not to get there any more than some clueless wild animal or a handful of head of meek cattle.
The ruins are poorly preserved enough to maintain a certain adventure regular, but the area is well conditioned enough to make the visit simple. What is there? Well, the remains of an abandoned town. When the Salime Grandas reservoir was built, between 1945 and 1955, a contingent of more than 3,000 workers from all over Spain moved to this remote area. To host them, up to four villages were built. And the eldest of them was this one from A Paicaga. He was also the one who had more imposing views, dominating how the Navia river canyon dominates.
It is in the southwest, in one of the most remote areas of northern Spain -
450 km. of Bilbao and 510 of Vitoria.
Well, there was eighteen pavilions, a church, an economy, a bakery, school, barbershop, civil guard barracks and a granary that they carried from the neighboring town of Grandas de Salime to turn it into a bar and meeting place. Over the years some families of the most qualified, foreman and others were arriving, so that three unifamiar homes were conditioned in each pavilion. Of course, the engineers and other professionals with command stayed either in large, in a building built for them, or in another smaller town but with better services, that of Vista Alegre.
The reservoir flooded fourteen villages, five churches, four cemeteries, 1,995 farms, and condemned thousands of people to the exodus. It is the largest in Asturias, with an area of 685 hectares, and bathes five different municipalities, three Asturians and two Galicians. It is also on the border between the two communities.
When the work of the reservoir to Paicega ended, as well as the other villages, he was abandoned. And in those times of so many needs, more in such a remote location, it was expolidated in a very thorough way. The church was used for a long time as a block for goats while the rest of the buildings succumbed to the time and the prey. Until in 2021 the City Council bought the Church and rehabilitated it for tourist purposes. A recreational area was also set up there. But the ruins of the pavilions, what remains of them, remain the same, being a ruin. And at different points the remains of those constructions frame a deep landscape, so that they offer a composition of the most original and beautiful.
Being here you can also do a lot of things: from walking along leafy mountain routes that seem forgotten by the world, until visiting the reservoir or, and this is highly recommended, going to the ethnographic museum of Grandas de Salime ‘Pepe el Ferreiro’.
(Tagstotranslate) Mystery
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