Mystery: a woman was missing for 6 days and claims that she was taken by “El Pombero”

Friday, January 24, 2025, 08:00

A 58-year-old woman spent six days missing in the Guairá forest, in Paraguay. María Eucelia Franca, a Brazilian national, was found with signs of dehydration and scratches, but her statements baffled the authorities.
The incident occurred on January 12, when the victim left his ranch with a jug and a thermos to look for water in a nearby well and never returned. Her 75-year-old husband was the one who offered information to the police, but also caused confusion by changing his story.
“First he said that they went to look for firewood, but then he stated that it was for water,” explained Commissioner Rossana Amarilla, director of the Guairá area. It is worth mentioning that the victim was found in the same place where his underwear had been found during the investigation.
Therefore, the woman was found on January 18 in a place previously inspected by police officers, which added mystery to the case. “It’s strange because we had been to the place where her clothes appeared, but we never saw them,” warned the Yellow police station.
The operation included 70 police officers, firefighters, baqueanos and drones with infrared sensors. Furthermore, the commissioner assured that they opened the road with machetes, but there was no sign of her.
María offered her version after being missing for 6 days and amazed the rescuers. “I saw the police looking for me, but I couldn’t speak or make myself seen. “Something prevented me from moving,” she confessed through tears and with a broken voice.
However, his story became even stranger. When specifying her disappearance, the woman indicated the “Lord of the night” on several occasions. Therefore, several people in the area started with conspiracy theories or local myths, such as Pombero or Jasy Jatere.
Finally, María Eucelia Franca is admitted to the local Health Center, under medical care due to the dehydration she was experiencing and the injuries she suffered, mainly to her leg. To this day, his disappearance remains a mystery. /The Andes
The Pombero is a mythical figure deeply rooted in the popular culture of several South American countries, such as Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. It is a type of forest elf, although its appearance and character may vary according to different versions of the legend.
General characteristics:
Appearance: It is described in various ways, but is generally imagined as a small being, with deformed features, such as short legs and upside-down feet, long, hairy arms, and large hands. Their skin is usually dark and their hair is abundant.
Habitat: It lives in forests, especially in dense and little explored areas.
Character: His personality is ambivalent. It can be a protective being of nature and animals, but it can also be mischievous, vengeful and even dangerous to humans.
Guardian of the forest: It is said that the Pombero takes care of the forest and the animals that inhabit it.
Punishments and rewards: If someone enters its territory without respect or damages nature, the Pombero can punish them with disorientation, illnesses or even kidnappings. On the other hand, if he is offered offerings such as tobacco, honey or cane, he can be benevolent and help hunters or gatherers.
Relationship with children: In some versions, it is said that the Pombero kidnaps children who misbehave or bother the animals.
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