Parents have favorite children: a new study determined which ones they are

Parental favoritism is a topic that has generated debate for years, but recent research offers a scientific perspective on the reasons behind these differences and how they impact children.
A study published in Psychological Bulletin and led by the teacher Alexander Jensenfrom Brigham Young University (BYU), analyzed data from 19,000 participants from different countries to understand what factors influence the differential treatment that parents give to their children.
According to the research, daughters, older sons and those with responsible or kind personalities are the most likely to receive preferential treatment. This finding highlights how factors such as gender and temperament influence parenting.

The data suggests that daughters tend to receive more favorable attentionalthough this favoritism is not perceived by children.
Mothers and fathers tend to admit that they show some favoritism toward their daughters compared to their sons, although the daughters themselves they don’t usually realize of that preference over his brothers.
The older brothers They usually have greater autonomysince parents tend to place more trust in them because they consider them more mature. These children enjoy more freedom and face less supervision.
The study revealed that children responsible and organizeddefined as “conscientious,” receive better treatment because they generate fewer conflicts with parents. Similarly, children considered “kind” also tend to benefit.
“The majority of parents They probably connect more easily with one child than another, whether due to their personality, birth order, gender or other things such as shared interests,” Jensen explained in a statement on the official website of the BYU.
However, not all personality traits generate advantages. Despite the high social value of extroversion, this characteristic did not significantly influence parental favoritism within the family environment.

Favoritism not only generates sibling rivalriesbut it can also have lasting effects on the welfare of the less favored children.
Studies agree that these children are more likely to experience sleep problems. mental health, poor academic performance and conflictive relationships in adulthood.
As explained BYU in the statement, in other research by Jensen, children who perceive less attention or favorable treatment from their parents They tend to be at greater risk of developing mental health problems and displaying problematic behaviors both at home and at school.
For parents, recognize patterns of favoritism It can be complicated, but it is crucial to avoid negative consequences.

Researchers agree that it is not easy to avoid favoritism, but they recommend pay attention to family dynamics and foster equitable relationships between children.
Jensen suggested that parents should watch how their children react to situations they might perceive as unfair. “Your children will let you know if they think something is unfair. Pay attention when they let you know,” he told BYU.
One of the keys is to treat children according to their individual needs. As Jensen stated: “Sometimes parents worry so much about treating their children equally. that may overlook individual needs.”
“We are not suggesting that parents feel guilty; On the other hand, parents can analyze this research and use it as a stimulus to look for areas in which they can improve, without going to extremes,” explained the expert.
Secure a healthy and equitable relationship with the children, so that talks can be given and attention to individual and general needs, can cause a great change in this panorama.
“Spend time together. Do things you like to do together. Do things that your children like to do together. Work together, serve others together, worship together. Relationships take time and spending time together doing a variety of things will have many positive benefits.”Jensen closed.