prayer and works of mercy must be “inseparable”

Today Pope Francis received the members of the Pope’s World Prayer Network Foundation. During his speech, the Pontiff showed his joy at the organization’s good reception of the encyclical ‘Dilexit nos’, on the human and divine love of the Heart of Christ.
“In it you find the substantial food that nourishes the spirituality of your work, of your apostolate. “I like that you call this spirituality the ‘way of the Heart,’” the Pope said. “I would like to read this expression in a double sense: it is the path of Jesus, of his sacred Heart, through the mystery of the incarnation, passion, death and resurrection; and it is also the path of our heart, wounded by sin, that allows itself to be conquered and transformed by love.”

Pope Francis in prayer
Prayer and compassion
“On this path of the heart we are guided, as always, by our Mother, Mary, who precedes us on the pilgrimage of faith and hope and teaches us to “Keep and appreciate the words and gestures of Jesus in your heart.”he has asserted.
In this sense, the Pope has indicated that the World Prayer Network “will make a very important contribution to the Jubilee, helping people and communities to live your spirituality as a path in which prayer and compassion, prayer and closeness to the least, prayer and works of mercy, are inseparably combined.”