Remains of a SpaceX spacecraft reported lost are spotted in various parts of the DR

Remains of the spaceship from the tycoon company Elon Musk, SpaceX, were sighted from some areas of the Dominican Republic.
The incident was captured by soldiers of the Dominican Army in the Benito Monción Fortress, in Mao, Valverde.
Likewise, several people have glimpsed the remains, also capturing part of the incident on video.
This The ship, which left from Boca Chica in Texas, was to fly over the Gulf of Mexico on an almost circular route around the world.
SpaceX had equipped it with 10 satellites test to practice your launch. It was the first flight of this new and improved spaceship.
According to information, the debris has fallen over the marine region, so it is ruled out that it will make contact with Dominican territory.
This 123-meter-high rocket took off in the late afternoon. After its launch, company officials Elon Musk They said the spaceship was destroyed.
This is not the first time the rocket has been launched and by this time the company upgraded the spacecraft for the latest demonstration, loading it with 10 simulated satellites to release into space. The spacecraft was to fall into the Indian Ocean to close the hour-long mission.
This was the seventh test flight of the world’s largest and most powerful rocket. The POT has reserved a pair of Starships to take astronauts to the Moon later this decade. Musk’s goal is Mars.
“Each Starship launch It is one more step towards Mars,” Musk said via X before takeoff.
Hours earlier, in Florida, another billionaire’s rocket company, Blue Originof Jeff Bezoslaunched the new large rocket, New Glenn. The rocket reached orbit on its first flight and successfully placed an experimental satellite thousands of kilometers above Earth. But the first stage booster was destroyed and it failed to land on a floating platform in the Atlantic.