Spirituality in the raising of children | Family | Mamas & Papas

In such an interconnected world, we understand by excesses precisely the overestimulation that a child today can experience in almost any area and activity of his daily life. Above all, in the use of technology and social networks. The immediacy, the instant satisfaction and the speed with which the days happen, seems not to leave a place for internal development, at a time when, paradoxically, the body and mind relaxation centers increase, such as yoga or meditation For children, one of the many practices that can promote the raising of more spiritual children.
And, there are many ways to raise a child in the spiritual plane without linking them in a specific religious belief, but simply raising them in a deeper knowledge of themselves, in harmony, peace and tranquility. Because, how many times have we heard what parents will not persuade their children towards any religion until they are old enough to decide for themselves? However, this could be a mistake in that children can perceive that if they have not been educated in it, it would be because it is not an important or indispensable topic in their lives.
Thus, in a study carried out by psychologists from the Spirituality Mind Body Institute, They explain the positive link at the scientific level between the spirituality and mental health of the children, in which they concluded that, those most developed in spirit have 40% less likely to use and abuse substances, a 60% less of being depressed in adolescence, and 80% less likely to have dangerous or unprotected sex compared to other adolescents.
Parents’ attitudes to raise more spiritual children
For the pediatrician and professor at the University of Medellín, in Colombia, Fernando Gómez Ramírez, the raising of a spiritual child is something fundamental to relate to the world, to grant meaning and meaning to existence, to establish a common bridge between the people. “The option of spiritually educating a child is a fascinating task for parents, and although there are no simple formulas for spiritual cultivation, there are some orientations,” he explains.
“Spiritual development is a natural process that occurs spontaneously if the child finds appropriate support and circumstances and, on the contrary, when this development is suppressed or hindered, it will deprive the child of resources for the full enjoyment of their existence as a human person as a human person ”, Continues.
Thus, among some of the guidelines of this expert to guide our children are, in the first place, create trust with the child. “The child needs to feel safe to explore. When they begin to appreciate nature, the questions about who asked the sunlight, why it rains, etc., important steps in the formation of the spiritual dimension, ”arise. Cultivating freedom is another of the fundamental pillars for children to express their ideas, solve their doubts, so that they increase their sense of freedom in an environment of dialogue and mutual respect. Demonstrate interest in your life, in the sense of investing time, love and sincerity in all areas of your life and instilling resilience in your challenges.
In short, and for the family expert psychologist, David J. Bredhoft, in his recent publication How much iso a lot?parents can perfectly educate their children in spirituality, but the task is a challenge. “Parents must be attentive, because excess is the new normality and materialism in our culture is one of the main culprits of feeding the impulse to exceed. In addition, excess indulgence and childhood materialism become important obstacles to spirituality, ”he argues.
To know if we are on the right track, for this expert it is crucial to notice certain attitudes in the child such as curiosity, that the child emanates a feeling of peace, that has a feeling of astonishment, empathy towards others and in their sufferings, resistance , optimism, that has a deep sense of empathy with the suffering of others, sense of belonging and feels connected to others.
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