The Christifers had their formation and spirituality meeting in Azul

The central theme was prayer as an expression of dialogue with God. Within the framework of a Eucharist, there was also renewal and profession of vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.

The Christifers had their formation and spirituality meeting

Members of the Secular Christiferous Institute They participated in the training and spirituality meeting that took place, from September 25 to 29, in the Buenos Aires city of Azul.
Within the framework of the jubilee of Consecrated Life, the theme of prayer was worked on as an expression of dialogue with God from the concrete world of each of the participants.
The topic was encouraged by the father Gonzalo de la Rosafrom the Azuleña diocese.
In the spirituality days, reflection was based on a series of triggering questions, aimed at knowing one’s own interiority.
This reflection was guided in turn by the father Enrique Laforguevirtually.
After the days of study and reflection, during the celebration of the closing Eucharist, Esther (from the town of Patagones, province of Buenos Aires) and María Elena (from Santa Rosa, capital of the province) professed their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. of La Pampa).
María del Carmen (from 9 de Julio, province of Buenos Aires) and Oliva (from Posadas, capital of the province of Misiones) also professed their perpetual vows; and renewed their vows Aldina and María Esther (from Viedma, capital of the province of Río Negro), Marcela (from Rosario, province of Santa Fe), Andrea (from Jaúregui, province of Buenos Aires) and Lina (from Las Flores, province of Buenos Aires).
“As in every meeting, the experience of the charisma was reaffirmed: being witnesses of the love of the Father God in the place where they live, in the manner of Mary in the mystery of the Visitation,” the Christian women highlighted.
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