The craziest things you can see handling

Going on a highway or a Miami road is everything but boring, since you can see the craziest and most inconceivable things.
A truck circulating above the separator, a woman in an electric scooter, a motorist who stands on her vehicle, a car that park blocks the parking extinguisher … are some of the events that make up the city’s panorama.
A shared video in Instagram For the event site Only in Dade It collects some attitudes that reflect at least irresponsibility and lack of common sense of drivers.
The material allows you to see car races, a motorist who has a monkey in the back seat, a vehicle with the spoiled so much spent that it is inclined to the side, and cars that carry goods without due security that end up falling in the middle of the via.
These images were captured and disseminated in the publication, as a warning of what should not be done.
Frequent questions about traffic and driving in Miami
Why is it so common to see unusual driving behaviors in Miami?
Miami is known for its diverse population and its vibrant culture, which often translates into unique driving styles and sometimes dangerous. Lack of respect for traffic regulations and transport creativity can generate unexpected situations on roads. In addition, social networks, such as Instagram and Tiktok, amplify these events by making them viral, highlighting risky or unconventional behaviors.
What are some examples of dangerous conduits in Miami?
Among the most notable examples of dangerous driving in Miami are Car races, overloaded vehicles with poorly secured goods, and people traveling outside their vehicles, such as roofs or doors. These behaviors are not only risky for the drivers involved, but also for all those who share the road.
What security measures have been implemented to improve traffic in Miami?
The state of Florida has introduced several laws to improve road safety, such as changes in vehicle registration and customization procedures. These laws seek to strengthen the responsibility of drivers and improve road safety. In addition, the use of public transport is encouraged to reduce traffic and minimize accidents.
What impact does drivers’ behavior have on Miami’s perception as a city?
The behavior of drivers in Miami contributes to the perception of the city as a chaotic and risky place to drive. Frequent infractions and unusual scenes captured in video reinforce the idea that driving in Miami requires additional caution and a good dose of patience.
(Tagstotranslate) Miami news
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