The Venezuelan opposition asked the United States to maintain TPS or create another protection mechanism for migrants

He Command Convert -Aquipo of the majority opposition organization of Venezuela- on Thursday asked the United States to maintain the Temporary protection status (TPS, in English) for migrants from the Caribbean country, whose extension was revoked by the government of Donald Trump, or create another mechanism in favor of these people residing in the North American nation.
According to the Antichavista group, the “Vast majority of Venezuelans in exile have been looking for a temporary shelter until it is possible to return“To a country”free”, As far as it considers crucial to be taken into account”The risk for the security and integrity to which people who have faced or fled from the regime are exposed due to political persecution. ”
In that sense, the Convzla command said that the “vast majority” of Venezuelans in the US “are good people who have worked hard for decades and contributed to the development of this great nation with their talent, their knowledge and their investments.”
“In the United States, there are hundreds of thousands who, after having escaped from the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro, the main promoter of organized crime and drug trafficking in our country, legally contribute to the economy,” he said.

The group, which expressed its respect for decisions of the US government against criminal organizations such as the Aragua train -New in Venezuelan prisons- with a view to “guaranteeing security and order” in the US, He was willing to work together with the Trump administration In order to “find a favorable solution for all parts”
The current TPS, which allows more than 600,000 Venezuelans to work and reside legally in the US, expires on September 10, 2025.
This migratory relief is devised to protect from deportation to migrants whose countries of origin are in an emergency or catastrophic situation.

The newly appointed Secretary of National Security, Kristi Noemexplained that he has decided revoke the extension of TPS for Venezuelans Because the previous government, when expanding it, tried to force their maintenance and leave them “with your hands tied.”
On Wednesday, the greatest antichavista coalition – the Democratic Unitary Platform (POD) – said that Washington hopes to review its immigration measures and, in that sense, called Trump’s Executive to look for “the best conditions for protection of Venezuelans ”in the US.
Several politicians and parties that make up could also have demonstrated against this measure, including the former deputy Delsa Solórzanofor whom it is “inadmissible” to deport Venezuelans who have permission.
(With EFE information)
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