The Cuban dictatorship released opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer

Jose Daniel Ferrerfounder of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) and three times a prisoner of conscience, He was released this Thursday by the dictatorship of Miguel Díaz-Canel. This was confirmed to Infobae his wife, Nelva Ismaray Ortega Tamayowho pointed out that He is already at his home.
“We arrived at our house a few minutes ago.“Ortega Tamayo told this medium; while taking advantage of the contact to thank you for the expressions of solidarity of the international community.
The dissident had been arrested on July 11, 2021in Santiago de Cuba, while tried to participate in peaceful demonstrations that exploded that day throughout the island. Since then, His family reported abuse, inhuman conditions and extreme isolationin what they considered an attempt by the regime Miguel Diaz-Canel and Raul Castro of “bury him alive”.
Throughout these almost four years, Ferrer suffered all kinds of attacks in prison and, on different occasions, he made hunger strikes so that they listen to their complaints.

Since his arrest, Ferrer has been confined in a punishment celltechnologically prepared for isolation. The opponent’s wife denounced to this media on different occasions that did not have regular access to sunlight and lived in deplorable conditions: “Small cell, isolated from the penal community and with very limited access to the outside world,” he described.
Besides, was a victim of physical and psychological violenceand he received a precarious diet based on non-perishable foods that his family managed to bring him, along with water that he barely had enough.
In all this time, Ferrer’s health has deteriorated without receiving adequate medical care. According to Ortega Tamayo, he suffered a tear in the triceps of his right arm, which caused him constant pain and difficulty writing. The deterioration was confirmed at the time by Monsignor Dionisio, who managed to visit him last September and reported his worrying condition.
He Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) reported that with Ferrer There are 31 political prisoners who were released by the regime in the last 48 hours.
In a note sent to Infobaethe NGO detailed that, among those released this Thursday – in addition to the leader of UNPACU – there are Luis Roblesarrested on December 4, 2020 on San Rafael Boulevard in Havana after demonstrating against state repression; and Yandier García Labradamember of the Christian Liberation Movement, arrested on October 6, 2020.
The 31 political prisoners released so far are: José Daniel Ferrer García, Jorge Luis Salazar Brioso, Lisdiany Rodríguez Isaac, Luis Robles Elizásteguis, Orlando Pineda Martínez, Marlon Brando Díaz Oliva, Ciro Alexis Casanova Pérez, Juan Yanier Antomarchi Núñez, Randy Arteaga Rivera , Frank Daniel Roig Sotolongo, Yandier García Labrada, Eduin Rodríguez Fonseca, Andro Ledesma Prieto, Liliana Oropesa Ferrer, Endris Fuentes Zamora, Javier González Fernández, Arturo Valentín Rivero, Rowland Jesús Castillo Castro, Dariel Cruz García, Donaida Pérez Paseiro, Mailene Noguera Santiesteban, Yessica Coimbra Noriega, Reyna Yacnara Barreto Batista, Liván Hernández Sosa, Katia Beirut Rodríguez, José Miguel Gómez Mondeja, Jorge Gabriel Arruebarruena León, Lisdany Rodríguez Isaac, Magdiel Rodríguez García, Rogelio Lázaro Domínguez Pérez and César Adrián Delgado Correa.
The dictatorship of Miguel Díaz-Canel reported this week that would gradually release 553 people as a gesture towards him Pope Francis and within the framework of Jubilee Year —a Catholic celebration of reconciliation—that began this January.
The announcement came on the same day that the administration of outgoing US President, Joe Bideninformed his decision to remove the Caribbean nation from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism.