The expansion of the universe has a mystery that no scientist hoped to find

A team led by Dan Scolnic of the Duke University and ADAM RISS of Johns Hopkins University has found evidence that intensifies this crisis. According to his study, published in The Astrophysical Journal Lettershe Coma galaxies cluster It is significantly closer than it should be. The observed distance is 321 million light yearswhile the standard model predicts 359 million light years. .

To get to these conclusions, the researchers used an innovative “Cosmic staircase” based on data from the Spectroscopic instrument of dark energy (desi). Study 12 IA type supernovae In coma’s cluster, it allowed them to calculate that the Hubble constant is 76.5 km/s/mpca significantly higher figure than the predicted by the standard model. “The tension now becomes a crisis,” says Scolnic. This discovery coincides with previous studies and intensifies the discrepancy between the observed reality and the theoretical predictions.

Well, now they face two possibilities. On the one hand, there could be errors in measurements, although this is less and less likely since different teams obtain similar results. On the other hand, it may be necessary to review the standard model, incorporating new elements such as a Additional dark energy explosion in the primitive universe or the presence of exotic particles such as Axion. What is clear is that this discrepancy can no longer be ignored. As Scolnic states: “We are pressing very strong against the models that we have been using for two and a half decades, and we are seeing that things do not coincide. This may be changing our way of thinking about the universe, and it is exciting! ”

The Hubble crisis It is a reminder that the universe still keeps many mysteries. As we advance in our exploration of the cosmos, we may wait for us even more surprising discoveries. As Scolnic concludes: “There are still surprises in cosmology, and who knows what discoveries will come later.” This enigma only challenges our current understanding and opens the door to new theories and advances in physics and astronomy. The universe, once again, shows us that we still have a lot to learn.

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