The greatest unresolved mystery of ‘The Big Bang Theory’. The sitcom showrunners say that we will never know

Leonard Hofstadter, Sheldon, Howard Wolowitz, Rajesh Kothrappali … and Penny. The quintet (expanded to Septeto) protagonist of ‘The Big Bang Theory’ has one of the greatest mysteries ever resolved in the series and that after twelve seasons we have never known what is what is it The character of the character played by Kaley Cuoco.
Yes, technically ended the series as Penny Hofstadterbut the case is that his surname “single” was mired in the most absolute secret. A whole mystery that those responsible for the Longeva Sitcom have buried With it refuting, incidentally, the theories that have emerged during all its broadcast years.
The most popular theory said Penny was named Teller, arose from the label of a package addressed to the character during the second season. In it you could read Penny Tellerso the most waspped fans of the series determined that this was the character’s last name.
However, the cooker of the series and showrunner Bill Prady says it was a element of the dare that should not come out In camera. As it would have been weird that the label of a package did not have a last name, he told the Atreco Scott London, to put “Penny Teller” In reference to the Magi Penn & Teller duo.
Teller last names
This was told in the oral history of ‘The Big Bang Theory’, written by Jessica Radloff as TVline reflects:
«You can’t say it is sent to Penny without surname! (…) But, categorically, Penny’s last name is not Teller. I don’t know how that image of the label exists and fans were able to see and distinguish it. “
It was not the first time, by the way, that the chief of daring of the series grants a “false” last name to Penny. Jim Parsons once remembers that in a scene looked at the mail “And Penny London said.” A detail that seemed lovely by the atrecista. However, it was the package aimed at “Penny Teller” the cause of one of the two great theories.

The other theory, also discarded, was the one that arose with Penny’s father, Wyatt (Keith Carradine). And it is that in episode 2×15, in which Penny relieves with Leonard’s mother (Christine Baranski), the character appoints his father Bob. This did not happen at all unnoticed. Could it be that the father was known by the last name and that His real name outside Robert Wyatt? This would make your daughter called Penny Wyatt. Nor was it the case.
“It’s not canon”, Emphasize the Steven Molaro showrunner, “The canon is that she has no surname that we have assigned her … and we will never do one”. It is not the first time that the screenwriter and executive producer speaks of this issue. Moreover, during the promotion of season 7 he already sentenced that they were well without revealing it. In an interview for Vulture:
«What name can we choose that it will be satisfactory at this point? I don’t think let’s reveal it). We have enough superstition about it. We have come here without knowing Penny’s last name. I think we are fine without finding it out. “
And, to this day, it has been unsolved.
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